Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing 2023
The Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing conference will take place at the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden 19–20 January 2023. The conference is arranged by the Knowledge Environment Education in Change.
The importance of education in fostering democratic citizens is expressed globally as is the call to prepare the workforce for tolerance and diversity. Schools are expected to play a crucial role in the formation of a democratic society and education’s role in fostering democratic citizens is further emphasized in the face of growing racism, antifeminist rhetoric as well as religious-political extremism.
Increasing expectations on education give teachers a crucial role in enhancing basic democratic values as equity, equality, tolerance and in fostering diversity and inclusion to make teacher education a crucial agent in preparing teachers for their future work.
We seek to initiate a platform for future co-operation between teacher educations institutions for discussion of how we educate the teachers of tomorrow for increased wellbeing and democracy. The conference is broad in scope and welcome paper proposal on the theme of diversity, equality, democracy, or inclusion in relation to teacher education.
The sessions will be organized according to themes where each presenter have 30 minutes, 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions. All rooms will have standard technical equipment.
Programme for printing A4, last updated 13 January
Thursday 19 January
The conference will take place in the Azur auditorium on the first floor of building Vita, which is accessible via the entrance hall on the ground floor of building Culmen.
Lunches and coffee will be served in the open space Zenit both conference days.
Coffee and registration from 8.00 in the open space Zenit, entrance hall on ground floor of building Culmen.
08.30–08.45 Welcome
08.45–09.00 Welcome from the pro-vice Chancellor
09.00–10.30 Education for democracy - Mikael Persson, professor in Political Science at the University of Gothenburg
10:30–11.00 Coffee break
11.00–12.30 Panel session 1
1. Teacher education and global competence
2. Wellbeing in classroom and preschool settings
3. Inclusion and equality in school
4. Teaching sexuality I
12.30–13.15 Lunch
13.30–14:30 Guided walk around Kvarnholmen. Meeting point outside the tourist office
14:30–14:45 Coffee break
14.45–16.15 Panel session 2
5. Immigration, language and ethnicity
6. Education for democracy and classroom didactics
Vi 2159
7. Teacher education and global citizenship
19.00 Conference dinner, Källaren Kronan, Ölandsgatan 7, Kalmar
Friday 20 January
08.30–09.45 The school health services and children’s wellbeing in low achieving schools - Disa Bergnehr, Professor in Education, Linnaeus University
09.45–10.15 Coffee break
10.30–11.30 Guided walk of Kalmar castle. Meeting point at the entrance to the castle
11.45–12.45 Lunch
12.45–14.15 Panel session 3
8. Art and literature in education for democracy
9. Teacher education for democracy and inclusion
10. Digitalization of teacher education
11. Teaching sexuality II
14.15–14.45 Planning for the future
14:45–15:15 Ending of the conference
1. Teacher education and global competence
Chair: Gabriela Martinez Sainz
- Mirjam Hitzelberger and Claudia Bergmüller-Hauptmann, Weingarten University of Education and Lucy Bell, Nantes Université: Global Sense – Developing Global Sensitivity Among Student Teachers
- Silvia Mugnaini, University of Florence: How can education for sustainability competencies foster the development of inclusive and equitable quality education?
- Gabriela Martinez Sainz, University College Dublin: Training to Teach Global Citizens: Pedagogical challenges and possibilities of Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education
2. Wellbeing in classroom and preschool settings
Chair: Annika Andersson
- Annika Andersson, Linnaeus University: How to think about preschool children with no knowledge of Swedish and low motivation to learn the new language
- Charlotte Silander, Linnaeus University: Global values and intercultural education – the role of internationalization of teacher education
- Monique Vacval: Training ourselves
3. Inclusion and equality in school
Chair: Jan Håkon Vikane
- Jerome Coutellier, Inspe Toulouse occitanie Pyrenées universite: How to train teacher education students both on democracy, wellbeing and laïcité : another « french paradox »?
- Marleen van Grunsven, Saxion University of Applied Sciences: Article 23: Freedom of education in the Netherlands
- Jan Håkon Vikane, Volda University College: Sami culture in early childhood education in Norway
4. Teaching sexuality I
Chair: Åsa Trulsson
- Åsa Trulsson, Linnaeus university: Teaching intimacy: migration, sex education and the boundaries of belonging
- Linda Ekström Sandstedt, Linnaeus university: Sex education Reform: The processes of selection and legitimation of content
- Jack Lukkerz, Malmö and Örebro University: Sex the right way - on youth, sexuality, and Swedish contemporary view on sexuality
5. Immigration, language and ethnicity
Chair: Ann Christin Torpsten
- Goran Basic& Henni Kesak, Linnaeus University: Interculturalism, ethnicity, and multilingualism in upper secondary school: an analysis of social pedagogical identities during pedagogical work with students newly arrived in Sweden
- Jan Berggren & Ann Christin Torpsten, Linnaeus University: Potentials and barriers for parental involvement among immigrant parents
- Kristin Jonsdottir, University of Iceland: The GatherEd project and the use of open online course in teacher eduaction
6. Education for democracy and classroom didactics
Chair: Jonna Arelind
Vi 2159
- Karen Taylor, International School of Geneva and Durham University: The Learning Principles: Research Informed Practice in Education for Inclusion
- Jonna Arenlind, Linnaeus University: School success or social re-production? Students' perceptions of sharing life experiences with their teachers
- Jan Springob, University of Cologne:Teacher Education for a Future in Flux: A Teacher Academy as a cross-phase, transdisciplinary and international meeting place
7. Teacher education and global citizenship
Chair: Charlotte Silander
- Giovanna Del Gobbo and Juan Solis Becerra, University of Florence: Professional standards to train teachers for the future: EUniWell Alliance proposal for sustainability and well-being
- Daniela Frison, University of Birmingham: Second-Career Teachers’ Well-Being: first reflections on non-traditional pathways and experiences on entering the teaching profession as second-career
- Nasibi Mary and Beatrice Bunyasi Awori, Kenyatta University: Evaluation of preservice teachers' preparedness in teaching for democracy at Primary and Secondary school level in Kenya
8. Art and literature in education for democracy
Chair: Anna Lindhé
- Anna Lindhé, Linnaeus University: Towards the Heart of Darkness in Teacher Education
- Kari Ryslett, Högskolan i Volda: The Norwegian kindergarten meal as an arena for children's health and wellbeing
- Jessie Vos, UCLL Diepenbeek Belgium: Be (p)Art– A view on art, education and democracy
9. Teacher education for democracy and inclusion
Chair: Kristina Hellberg
- Natalie Donohue, Volda University College: Implementing a ‘critical friends’ component in language teacher training course
- Adelheid Mbwike, Florence A Miima, Marguerite Miheso O'Connor, Mary Nasibi, Kristina Hellberg, Charlotte Silander: Kenyatta University and Linnaeus University: Teaching democracy: the role of different actors in Sweden and Kenya
- Katarina Schenker, Linnaeus University: Teaching for wellbeing and democracy in the school subject physical education and health
10. Digitalization of teacher education
Chair: Kristina Henriksson
- Kerstin Hansson, Linnaeus University: Mind the Gap between Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
- Kristina Henriksson, Linnaeus University: Digital support in Teacher education practices
11. Teaching sexuality II
Chair: Mattias Lundin
- Ragnar Olsson, Linnaeus University: Mission possible – teachers work of counteracting sexual harassment as a part of fostering democratic citizens
- Mattias Lundin, Linnaeus University: Where are the boys in #Metoo discussions on sexual harassment?
Panel schedule for printing A4, last updated 13 January
Keynote speakers
Mikael Persson: Education for democracy
Mikael Person is a professor in Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. His research concerns political behaviour and public opinion in relation to representative democracy. He has published extensively on the connections between education and political development of youths.
The talk will center around how education is linked to democratic citizenship. He will present evidence from an extensive survey of all the existing literature regarding which teaching practices in the classroom that are most beneficial for improving students development of political knowledge, democratic attitudes and values as well as political behaviour.
Disa Bergnehr: The school health services and children’s wellbeing in low achieving schools
Disa Bergnehr is professor of Education at Linnaeus University. Her current research interests are immigrant parenthood and family life, schooling and parenting in disadvantaged areas, school health services, school - home relations, media representations of single parenthood, family policies, children's health and well-being, parent support services, and children's emotional and moral socialization in preschool.
The talk will provide a brief literature review on how the school health services can provide care and support in low achieving schools, and present a study of how Swedish local authorities and schools interpret the directive to work with health promotion and risk prevention.
The conference fee
The conference fee is SEK 700 ex VAT.
The fee includes coffee breaks, lunch and dinner.
The registration is now closed.
About Linnaeus University
Linnaeus University is a creative and international knowledge environment that promotes curiosity, creativity, companionship and utility. More than 44,000 students are registered at Linnaeus University.
Linnaeus University is located in Växjö and Kalmar and offers 150 degree programmes and 1,300 single-subject courses. Linnaeus University was established in 2010 through a merger between Växjö University and Kalmar University College.
With some 2,100 employees and 44,000 students it is a modern university with Småland as its base and the world as its arena. Studying and working at Linnaeus University involves being part of an environment that is characterised by knowledge and development. Students acquire new knowledge and learn to have a critical approach. Researchers make new discoveries that can bring change to our society. Employees share stories of a workplace with both challenges and opportunities. Linnaeus University is a university where people can reach their full potential.
Learn more about Linnaeus University.
A sustainable event
The conference “Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing 2023” is a sustainability-assured meeting in accordance with Linnaeus University’s guidelines for sustainable events. These guidelines are linked to the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 and comprise the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, the social, and the environmental.