Students in a lecture hall.

Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing 2023

Conference closed

The Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing conference will take place at the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden 19–20 January 2023. The conference is arranged by the Knowledge Environment Education in Change.

The importance of education in fostering democratic citizens is expressed globally as is the call to prepare the workforce for tolerance and diversity. Schools are expected to play a crucial role in the formation of a democratic society and education’s role in fostering democratic citizens is further emphasized in the face of growing racism, antifeminist rhetoric as well as religious-political extremism.

Increasing expectations on education give teachers a crucial role in enhancing basic democratic values as equity, equality, tolerance and in fostering diversity and inclusion to make teacher education a crucial agent in preparing teachers for their future work.

We seek to initiate a platform for future co-operation between teacher educations institutions for discussion of how we educate the teachers of tomorrow for increased wellbeing and democracy.  The conference is broad in scope and welcome paper proposal on the theme of diversity, equality, democracy, or inclusion in relation to teacher education.

The sessions will be organized according to themes where each presenter have 30 minutes, 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions. All rooms will have standard technical equipment.

Gruppbild  på konferensdeltagare och arrangörer  på  Universitetskajen
Participants from ten nations including representatives from EUniWell universities, partner universities and other teaching institutions met to discuss teachers crucial role in fostering democratic citizens at Linnaeus University Kalmar. Joakim Palmqvist
A sustainable event symbol - a butterfly

A sustainable event

The conference “Teacher Education for Democracy and Wellbeing 2023” is a sustainability-assured meeting in accordance with Linnaeus University’s guidelines for sustainable events. These guidelines are linked to the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 and comprise the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, the social, and the environmental. 

- Building Vita Vi2166 Azur Linnaeus University, Kalmar Charlotte Silander Add to your calendar