Digital Humanities

Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study that represents a bridge between the arts and humanities and information technology.

Recent developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and interactive applications are creating new social tools and conditions for people to connect and interact; therefore, changing the ways we communicate, socialize and collaborate. These new forms of digital enhanced communication and collaboration have been rapidly adopted and integrated into people’s everyday lives.

Understanding the nature and consequences of these new interactions and social transformations is crucial if we want to design and shape a better future where digital technologies become an integral component for enriching our life. One major challenge we have identified is the exploration of the two-way interactions between society and ICT with a focus on the Humanities. This particular orientation has the potential to become a key success factor for the values and competitiveness of the entire Linnaeus region having in mind recent EU and Swedish political discussions in the field of Digital Humanities.

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Education in Digital Humanities

Within Digital Humanities, Linnaeus University offers the following:

Workshop Series "Higher Education Programs in Digital Humanities"

These workshops are part of the annual conference "Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference".

