Project: Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH)

DiMPAH aims to aggregate, connect and make widely available novel Open Education Resources (OERs) on selected digital methods, apply these to interdisciplinary contexts and foster novel creative learning experiences by taking data from the past into future stories.

This project is concluded.

Project information

Project manager
Koraljka Golub

Other project members at Linnaeus University
Romain Herault
Pernilla Severson
Jukka Tyrkkö
Fredrik Hanell
Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay

Other project members at other universities
Marianne Ping Huang Aarhus University
Tobias Blanke and Giovanni Colavizza University of Amsterdam
Antoine Doucet and Cécile Chantraine Braillon University of La Rochelle
Maria Michael and Stella Hadjistassou University of Cyprus
Olívia Pestana University of Porto

Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Aarhus University, University of Amsterdam, University of La Rochelle, University of Cyprus and University of Porto.

Supporting partners
The iSchools Organization
Amsterdam Time Machine
Time Machine Europe
National Library of France
EU-Conexus European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability


1 Sep 2020–31 Aug 2023

Digital Humanities (Department of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

DiMPAH in Erasmus+ website
DiMPAH on Facebook
DiMPAH on LinkedIn
DiMPAH on Twitter


The project has now been completed and all the seven planned OERs are openly available at the DARIAH Teach platform:

Accompanying the seven Dimpah open educational resources at DARIAH Teach is the special journal issue of Education for Information: "Digital Methods for Digital Humanities", vol. 39, no. 2, published in 2023. The special journal issue has eight articles, an introductory overview as well as seven articles, each accompanying the open educational resources.


Marianne Ping Huang, Aarhus University

Tobias Blanke and Giovanni Colavizza, University of Amsterdam

Antoine Doucet and Cécile Chantraine Braillon, University of La Rochelle

Maria Michael and Stella Hadjistassou, University of Cyprus

Olívia Pestana, University of Porto

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