Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

The DISA research centre at Linnaeus University focuses its efforts on open questions in collection, analysis and utilization of large data sets. With its core in computer science, it takes a multidisciplinary approach and collaborates with researchers from all faculties at the university.

Our research

In today's society, sensors, computers, communication platforms and storage technologies give us access to previously unmanageable volumes of data, so-called Big Data. The conversion of data into actionable knowledge creates new opportunities and significant economic values. Big Data has revolutionised both the commercial world and research in many areas, and has opened up for new interdisciplinary collaborations.

The Linnaeus University Centre (Lnuc) for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) addresses data-driven methods to gain deeper knowledge and understanding in a variety of applications in engineering, science and humanities. Research in computer science, media technology, signal processing and statistics represents the technical core of the center. Combined with research from application fields, such as astrophysics, engineering, linguistics, social science and e-health, we create a unique dynamics.

Exploiting data to gain manageable information and useful knowledge is not a research venture alone. There is also a large collaboration interest in the industry and the public sector. DISA works closely with several clusters, networks and individual companies representing the IT and heavy vehicle industries, the health sector and municipalities and agencies. These partnerships combine excellent research with practical solutions to specific challenges in society, for the mutual benefit of researchers from different scientific disciplines and of external partners.

Research groups

The Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications embraces the following research groups.

PhD studies

Within DISA, several doctoral students are connected to our research groups. The doctoral students either focus on the foundational technologies or have a more thematic aim.

There is also a graduate school for industrial doctoral students in computer science connected to DISA: Data Intensive Applications (DIA). DIA focuses on applied research, addressing the big data and artificial intelligence challenges of our industry partners. The industry graduate school is funded by the Knowledge Foundation, Linnaeus University and the participating companies.


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Research leaders

Around thirty researchers from different disciplines at Linnaeus University constitute the critical mass within DISA. The scientists are divided into seven groups led by the following researchers.

Doctoral students