Man standing in a industry with a tablet.

Manufacturing Processes for Leaders

This is a comprehensive course designed to provide leaders and other professionals without a mechanical engineering background with a solid understanding of modern manufacturing. The course covers key concepts, processes, and strategies in manufacturing, including traditional and modern manufacturing processes, quality management, lean manufacturing principles, and sustainability practices. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to make informed decisions, drive efficiency, and contribute to your organisation's sustainable growth.

Target group

The course is aimed at leaders and non-technical professionals with no previous training in manufacturing processes, such as laboratory and sales staff, engineers from other disciplines, and administrative staff.


The course consists of the following five parts:

1. Introduction to Manufacturing
Introduces the fundamental concepts of manufacturing, its importance, and its impact on business.

2. Manufacturing Processes
Provides a broad understanding of various manufacturing processes and their applications. Modern manufacturing processes, such as additive and energy-based manufacturing, will be introduced.

3. Quality Management and Control
Explains the principles and practices of quality management in manufacturing.

4. Lean Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement
Introduces lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement strategies.

5. Sustainability in Manufacturing
Highlights the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility in manufacturing.

During the course you will do a case study by analysing and optimising the manufacturing path of a product in your company.

This course is developed within the project Smart Industry phase 2 and funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).

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