People sitting by a table and discussing.

Applied Machine learning

In the modern IT world, businesses often have access to large amounts of data collected from customer management systems, web services, customer interaction, etc. The data in itself does not bring value to the business; we must bring meaning to the data to create value. Data mining and machine learning is an area within computer science with the goal of bringing meaning to and learning from data.

This course will focus on applied machine learning, where we learn what algorithms and approaches to apply on different types of data.

Target group

This course is for experienced developers working in the industry.


The course includes the following:

  • Supervised learning, different types of data and data processing
  • Algorithms for handling text documents
  • Algorithms for handling data with numerical and categorical attributes
  • Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning for image recognition

This course is developed within the project ”Expertkompetens om sociala medier och webbteknologi för innovation och tillväxt” and funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen). The course is also offered within the project Smart industry phase 2

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