Keyboard with yellow button with python text on it.

Python-scripting for Abaqus

This course is valuable if you want to maximize the potential of Abaqus as a simulation tool. Learning Python scripting for Abaqus gives you powerful tools to be more productive, flexible and adaptable in your work. It allows you to take your use of Abaqus to a new level, handle more complex projects and improve your career potential.

Target group

This course is aimed at computational and R&D engineers working with simulations and analyses across various industries. Whether you are involved in industry, the construction sector, product development, or other fields, this course can help you streamline your work with Abaqus by utilizing Python to automate and customize simulations and analyses.


The course alternates lectures and labs. During the course you will learn about the basics of the Python programming language and Abaqus/CAE interaction with Python with the creation and management of result files.

Furthermore, we will work with automation of preprocessing such as the creation of geometries and meshes, application of boundary conditions and loads. Adaptation of parametric models up to management of results and post-processing.

After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of the Python programming language in the Abaqus environment.
  • Use Python scripting to automate simple tasks in Abaqus.
  • Develop skills to manipulate models, define boundary conditions and analyze results using Python of simpler problems.
  • Use optimal methods for efficient scripting and debugging.


Python-scripting för Abaqus, 3 credits, 4MT077

This course is developed within the project Smart Industry phase 2 and funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).

Register for Python-scripting for Abaqus

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