Smart maintenance for leaders
Smart maintenance means using advanced technologies and data to optimize and streamline the company's maintenance processes. By investing in this skill, a leader can not only understand and apply the latest innovations in the maintenance industry, but also increase company productivity, reduce costs and ensure long-term sustainability.
This smart maintenance course provides a leader with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the digital era and maximize business reliability and performance.
Target group
The course is aimed at technical managers and people with a leading position in producing companies. The course is also suitable for those who are responsible for maintenance and operational safety, for example in the role of maintenance engineer, maintenance coordinator or maintenance manager. It is also aimed at you who are responsible for and work with overall sustainability, quality and safety issues.
The course consists of three parts.
Part 1
In the first part (w. 12–14) we focus on technology solutions and how these are used to achieve smart maintenance. You will gain a practical understanding of how the technology works and what possibilities and limitations they have. We also describe the basics of predictive maintenance.
Part 2
The second part (w. 15–17) focuses on information needs for smart maintenance and how this can be ensured with technology solutions. You do exercises where you get to define what data and information is needed to plan, prepare, implement and follow up smart maintenance and then identify how you get access to this data.
Part 3
The third part (w. 18–20) addresses how a digitization strategy can be established for the maintenance organization.
The course includes the following elements:
- the concept of smart maintenance
- technology solutions for the realization of smart maintenance and its possibilities and limitations
- maintenance concepts, maintenance strategies and maintenance systems and how these can be realized with the help of technology solutions
- maintenance's information needs
- methods for definition and identification of information needs
- digital transformation and digitization strategies
Practical information
The course alternates theory with practical examples and exercises. The individual tasks give you the opportunity to work with the course content in a practical way in your own business. The course literature is in both English and Swedish and includes both popular science texts and research articles. The language of instruction is primarily Swedish.
We recommend that you are active throughout the course - feel free to log in to the course page a couple of times a week to read news and get access to new material.
Estimated time required for the course as a whole is approx. 100 hours divided into lectures, exercises, seminars, loading of material and solving tasks.
The course is free and gives 3.5 university credits.
Entry requirements
The basic eligibility for this course is a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent. People with relevant work experience are also welcome to apply. Two years of relevant work experience is considered equivalent to one year of university studies at bachelor's level.
The course runs for nine weeks during 2025, starting in week 12 and ending in week 20. The course take place digitally and you will also find all the material in the digital classroom on Moodle.
See this file for a detailed schedule:
The course gives you 3.5 higher education credits (hp) after you have successfully completed the mandatory elements. For this course, these are partly active participation in three seminars (1 credit), partly three individual assignments (2.5 credits).
The structure of the course gives you effective support to succeed in this;
- The lectures introduce important concepts, theories and methods in the field,
- The seminars give you the opportunity to discuss your solution proposals with other course participants before final submission,
- The three tasks deal with different phenomena around smart maintenance but are connected in such a way that tasks one and two are partial solutions for task three, and
- For the third task, which is a bit more comprehensive, there is the possibility of individual supervison.
This course is developed within the project Smart Industry phase 2 and funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).