En kvinna och en man som står bredvid varandra.

Business Model Innovation for Wellbeing Tourism

This online course takes you on a journey to discover the benefits of the Business Model Canvas (BMC), a powerful tool useful for crafting wellbeing tourism offers. The BMC helps you to understand and define the different aspects of your business, enabling a more focused and thoughtful approach to creating your tourism offers. Tailored for entrepreneurs and those aspiring to venture into the well-being tourism sector, this course illuminates the practical applications of BMC to refine and optimize your business strategies.

Target group:

This course was developed for entrepreneurs in tourism that want to learn how they can reinvent their business models to changed conditions introduced throughout and after the global pandemic. However, it is also relevant for students that are interested in how to create business models customized to wellbeing tourism and how to use the Business Model Canvas tool. Exercises can be made for an existing company, a planned or an imaginary one.

Get started with the course:

The course is open to everyone, however you need to register for the course to participate.


The course Wellbeing Food for Tourism is a MOOC, Massive Open Online Course. This means that it is open to everyone and you can follow it without registering as a student with us. The advantage is that you can carry out your studies on your own and at your own pace. Read more about MOOC courses.

Some of the key advantages employing the BMC in this context include:

Common questions

This course is a co-creation between the Linnaeus University and the Pomeranian Development Agency in Gdansk, Poland. It was created within the framework of the EU-project SB WELL. To learn more about this project visit wellbeingtourism.com.