Swedish courses
Interested in learning Swedish? Below you can find our selection of Swedish courses.
Credit courses
- 1SV801 Beginner’s Swedish I, 7.5 credits
- 1SV802 Beginner’s Swedish II, 7.5 credits
- 1SV901 Basic Swedish, 30 credits (exchange students only)
- 1SV911 Basic Swedish, 30 credits (international studentes only)
- 1SV902 Intermediate Swedish, 30 credits
- 2SV903 Swedish as a foreign language, qualifying course, 30 credits
You will find more information about the courses, such as course syllabus, entry requirements, duration and study pace, by searching the course code on our website.
For full-time studies we recommend that you apply for 30 credits. Once you have completed the basic level, the intermediate level and the qualifying course, you will have 90 credits in Swedish as a foreign language, which corresponds to basic eligibility in Swedish for university studies at Linnaeus University.
Are you an exchange student who is interested in studying Swedish alongside other courses? Then we recommend our part-time and evening courses “Beginner’s Swedish”, part I and II. These two courses combined are equivalent to the first 15 credits of “Basic Swedish”.
Non-credit course
If you are studying a regular study programme at Linnaeus University, we offer a free-of-charge optional non-credit introductory Swedish course. The course consists of 30 contact hours with class, one evening per week. As a newly admitted student, you will receive an invitation by email.
I have some prior knowledge of Swedish. Which course should I apply to?
If you have encountered Swedish before, through your studies or in private life, you might have a higher level of Swedish than the basic course. In that case, you can first perform a self-assessment of your level of proficiency, described in the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR). Email your result to anna.lundstrom@lnu.se for further guidance on what course to choose.
How do I validate prior non-credit knowledge?
It is possible to validate your language skills if you do not have enough credits in "Swedish as a foreign language". Contact anna.lundstrom@lnu.se for more information.
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