

The iInstitute at Linnaeus University is a member of the international iSchools organization, providing interdisciplinary education in the digital humanities, computer science, health science, and other fields related to digital information.

Managed and advised by colleagues representing the wide breadth of related disciplines, the iInstitute hosts workshops and seminars, including the annual Baladria Summer School in Digital Humanities. Find recent highlights below, in addition to the vision and strategy for the iInstitute at Linnaeus University.

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Highlights of iInstitute


Within the iInstitute, Linnaeus University offers the following:

Programmes at Bachelor's level (in Swedish)

Programmes at Master's level

PhD Programmes:

Workshop Series "Higher Education Programs in Digital Humanities"

These workshops are part of the annual conference "Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB)".

Our vision

Our long-term vision is to create a leading education, development and research regional centre in the iField, that combines in novel ways already existing expertise from different Linnaeus University departments and faculties working in close collaboration and co-creation with relevant stakeholders from the surrounding society. Addressing future societal challenges would be possible by highly skilled professionals whose education has been markedly enhanced by practice-informed education and joint, cross-sector innovation.

Strategic values to be developed during these efforts refer to uniting and consolidating the expertise we already have to create new constellations for collaboration leading to new knowledge and products (expertise, education, research, public and commercial services relevant for the region, such as a cultural tourism industry perspective), resulting in a return on investment.

Plans for the first period (24–36 months) are to focus on the development of new educational programmes and research as outlined in the figures below.

A graphical view of the iSchool concept at Linnaeus University, October 2017.
Current research and education nodes affiliated with the iInstitute.
A graphical view of the iSchool concept at Linnaeus University, October 2017.
Current and future programmes affiliated with the iInstitute.

External supporters

Logotype iSchools