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1st International Symposium on Digital Transformation

The International Symposium on Digital Transformation aims to contribute to the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Digital Transformations. The knowledge environment works interdisciplinary and connects subjects, departments and faculties to take a versatile approach to societal challenges in various areas affected by digitalization.

Conference closed

The researchers include both seniors and doctoral students. We also invite practitioners who work with both technical and non-technical aspects of digital transformation. Keynote speakers who have done a significant amount of work in digital transformation will be invited.

The symposium will be held both online and on-campus. 

Programme ISDT 2022

Download the full programme ISDT 2022 (pdf)

Each contribution is asked to aim for 10-12 minute presentations (Early research 7-8 min). Onsite participants: please bring your laptop to be able to join chats and possible group discussions with online participants.


Tuesday 15 February

In Weber and zoom room 1 (link in detailed full program in pdf above)
09.15-09.25 Mingle (both face-to-face and digital)

09.25-09.40 Official welcome, information

09.40-11.00 Theme: Digital Health, Chair: Evalill Nilsson

11.10-12.00 Themes: Digital Business and Cybersecurity, Chair: Anita Mirijamdotter

12.05-13.15 LUNCH BREAK

13.15-14.45 Theme: Digital Learning, session 1, Chair: Marcelo Milrad

15.05-16.00 KEYNOTE speech by Dr. Jay Liebowitz, Seton Hall University, USA Digital Transformation for the University of the Future

16.00-16:40 Round table Chair: Marcelo Milrad Open discussion on digital transformations for all interested, led by chair, in groups if needed

Wednesday 16 February

Note; parallel sessions 11-12, In Weber and zoom room 1, room H1211 and zoom room 2, see links in detailed full program in pdf above

09.00-09.50 Theme: Digital Learning, session 2, Chair: Italo Masiello

10.00-10.55 KEYNOTE speech by Dr. Carsten Sørensen, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK The Age of Value-Sensitive Digital Infrastructures? The Digital Reordering of Rights, Networks, and Community

11.00-12.15 Theme: Digital Humanities and digitalization for democratization & civil purposes, Chair: Koraljka Golub

11.00-12.15 Theme: Digital Learning, session 3, Chair: Italo Masiello

12.15-13.15 LUNCH BREAK

13.15-14.15 Theme: AI; applications and implications, Chair: Fisnik Dalipi

14.30-15.25 KEYNOTE speech by Prof. Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Stockholm University, Sweden Be Careful What You Wish For!

15.30-17.00 Theme: Digital Working Life and Welfare, Chair: Glenn Sjöstrand

17.00-17.15 Closure and Concluding remarks


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