Opening hours
Here you will find information about the library's opening hours and when you can receive assistance and support from our staff both in the library and online. The university library is located in two cities, in Kalmar and in Växjö.
Our services during the semester
Get help from our staff
Monday - Thursday from 10 am to 3 pm
Friday from 12:30 pm to 3 pm
During these times, you can get help from our library staff both at the library and via our manned chat and phone.
Limited Service
Monday - Thursday from 3 pm to 7 pm
Friday from 10 am to 12:30 pm, from 3 pm to 7 pm
Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm
During these times, only student assistants are available at our libraries. This means limited service regarding certain questions and services.
Self-service opening hours
During the times when staff are not present, self-service applies. Our chatbot Calle is always available for simpler questions.
More information about self-service opening hours
The library will be open to current students and faculty with an LNU card during our self-service opening hours. You may search for literature as well as borrow and return books.
This is how it works
Everyone with an Lnu swipe card (students and staff) may use the University Library during the Library's opening hours. In order to enter the building during self-service opening hours you have to swipe your card in the card reader at the library entrance and enter your code.
Remember to swipe your card every time you enter the library during self-service opening hours. This is to ensure the safety of yourself and others but also to make sure that we collect the correct statistics of the number of visitors to the library when it is "closed". This is important for our evaluation of the need for self-service opening hours. Do not let in anyone else, regardless of whether they have their own swipe card or not! All visits will be logged.
Swipe card
You order your card via the web.
But what if something goes wrong?
For minor problems
(no toilet paper, cannot find the book, etc.)
Please email us at We will handle the problem during our regular opening hours.
Are the self-service machines out of order?
Please wait and borrow the book another day.
Leave the book in the return box outside the library entrance.
To report a building emergency
Växjö: Videum's on-call emergency service, +46 470-79 32 38
To contact security
Kalmar: 0480-49 77 00
Växjö: 0470-76 71 00
Kalmar Info Center and Shop
Monday - Wednesday from 8 am to 4 pm
Thursday from 8 am to 3 pm
Friday from 8 am to 4 pm