Interlibrary loans and purchase suggestions
If you need books or articles that are not available from the University Library you can make a purchase suggestion or order an interlibrary loan.
Use one of the forms below to send us your suggestion or order. Please check OneSearch first to make sure your book or article is not already available at the library.
Interlibrary loan orders for books are handled primarily as purchase suggestions, which is why we handle both types of requests in the same form.
Please order well in advance if possible as both interlibrary loans and purchases may take some time.
Suggest a purchase/ Order an interlibrary loan
Interlibrary loan – Order an article copy
This service is available to students at Swedish universities and colleges and Linnaeus University staff members. Members of the public are referred to the public library.
More about suggesting a purchase
Media purchased by the University Library must be relevant to education, research or other activities at Linnaeus University. We prioritize electronic media. Your purchase suggestion will be assessed according to our media plan.
For general questions about acquisitions you are welcome to contact us at
More about interlibrary loans
If you need books or copied material that is not available at the library or the library website you may order an interlibrary loan. The material must be relevant to education, research or other activities at Linnaeus University.
Interlibrary loans have to be picked up at the University Library in Kalmar or Växjö. This applies to distance students as well.
Place your order by using the forms, the Beställ/Order button in our databases, or directly from LIBRIS. When you have found the required title in LIBRIS, click on the links Interlibrary loan/request and Order form. It is not possible to borrow e-books from other libraries.
Prices for interlibrary loans to university students:
- Articles – Free
- Loan from library in the Nordic Region - Free
- Loan from library outside the Nordic Region – SEK 200
- Microfilm - Free
For general questions about acquisitions you are welcome to contact us at
When will my order arrive?
Delivery times may vary. Expect up to two weeks for loans within Sweden. Article copies usually arrive faster. You will always be notified by email or letter when your interlibrary loan is available. Article copies for Linnaeus University staff members are sent by internal mail.
Loan periods and regulations
Interlibrary loans have an open loan period, which means that you do not need to request a renewal of your loan but will receive an email when the book has to be returned. The loan regulations are set by the lending library, which means that loan periods may vary. You can see all of your loans and return dates in My library account.
Distance student
Are you a distance student at Linnaeus University and need material that is not available in our collection? Then we recommend an interlibrary loan. Note that interlibrary loans will not be sent to you. Please contact your local public library for help with interlibrary loans if you are not able to pick up your books at the University Library. If you need copies of articles from other libraries we can send them to you.
Reading room loan
Microfilms may not be taken home. Instead they can be read in a microfilm reader at the library. You can book a microfilm reader in TimeEdit. Sometimes other interlibrary loans may not be taken home either. If your loan has to be read at the library we will inform you about this when we contact you to tell you that your loan has arrived.
External users
Linnaeus University Library lends books and copies articles to other libraries, companies and organizations. Linnaeus University Library reserves the right to decide what material may be sent out as an interlibrary loan.
Swedish and Nordic libraries are advised to place orders via LIBRIS. The loan period is 28 – 365 days.
Order book or article copy
For companies, organizations and libraries not using LIBRIS:
Prices for interlibrary loans to libraries/companies
- Public libraries in the Nordic Region - SEK 80
- Nordic libraries within NORFRI - Free
- Company libraries, companies and organizations - SEK 300
- Public libraries in the Nordic Region - Free
- Company libraries, companies and organizations - SEK 300