Loan regulations and fees
Learn more about loan regulations like loan periods, GDPR, fines and payment information.
Loan regulations
When applying for a library account/library card and accepting the conditions you commit yourself to following the Linnaeus University Library loan regulations.
- You are responsible for all loans made with your library account/library card.
- You are expected to keep yourself informed of any changes in the loan regulations and to make sure that your personal details in “My library account” are correct. As a student, you are expected to monitor your student email.
- You collect reserved books yourself from the reserved items shelf.
Loan periods
- The loan period for course literature is 7 days with automatic renewals up to 16 weeks. If the book is reserved by another patron, the loan cannot be renewed.
- The loan period for general loans is 21 days with automatic renewals up to 52 weeks. If the book is reserved by another patron, the loan cannot be renewed.
- To allow for postal time, 7 extra days are added to loans and renewals made by distance students who live outside the municipalities of Växjö and Kalmar.
- The loan period for DVDs and VHS cassettes is 7 days for students and Linnaeus University staff members. The loan period cannot be extended. DVDs and VHS cassettes can not be borrowed by members of the public
- The loan period for CDs is 7 days, with automatic renewals up to 16 weeks.
- It is your own responsibility to monitor the status of your loans in “My library account”, such as return dates, and that all loans are cleared when returned to the library.
Administration of personal data and lending information
- Personal data is stored in compliance with the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR).
- When you apply for a library account you also give your consent to your personal data being stored in the library’s register of account holders. Your data will not be used in any other context than library services. We need your personal data to know who has borrowed our resources and how we can contact our account holders.
- The library stores your personal data only as long as you have an account with us. When you close your account this information is deleted. If you are no longer an active user and want to ensure that no personal data about you is stored in the library’s systems, you can ask us to delete your information. Please contact for further information.
- The books and other media that you borrow or reserve with your library account are registered in the library’s administrative system. This information is subject to secrecy legislation according to Swedish law, SFS (2009:400) kap 40 § 3, and this means that no unauthorised person can see who has borrowed or ordered library resources. This information is automatically deleted from your library account as soon as a resource is returned, or any fines are paid.
- You always have the right to ask what personal information about you is stored by showing valid identification.
Blocked library account
Not returning your loans on time will lead to a suspension, which will restrict you from making new loan requests. The suspension for 21-day loans is lifted once you return the borrowed items. However, in the case of 7-day loans, the suspension remains in place for six weeks after you've returned the borrowed items.
- If you do not return your loans, eventually an invoice will be sent to you, covering replacement costs.
- You are responsible for paying the correct amount according to the specifications on the invoice. Incorrect payments below the sum of SEK 200 are not refunded.
- Unpaid debts are turned over to the Swedish Debt Enforcement Service.
Replacement fees
- Replacement fee for book: SEK 400
- If the replacement value is significantly higher or lower than the standard amount, the University Library reserves the right to charge the actual cost.
If you have questions about blocked library account, preliminary invoices or invoices, please contact