Altmetric Explorer

To database

Subject: General/Multidisciplinary

Type: Altmetrics

Altmetrics is an alternative and broader way of measuring the impact of research and collects mentions of research publications from social media, news articles etc. as a complement to the traditional bibliometrics that focuses on citations in scientific publications.

Altmetric Explorer monitor the following sources for mentions of research outputs:

  • Public policy document
  • Mainstream media
  • Online reference managers (Mendeley)
  • Post-publication peer-review platsforms (Publons)
  • Wikipedia
  • Patents (IFI CLAIMS)
  • Open Syllabus Project
  • Blogs
  • Citations
  • Research highlights (Faculty Opinions)
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter)
  • Multimedia and other platforms (YouTube, Reddit, Q&A)