The Swedish "Fabriksberättelserna" was originally collected by the Board of Commerce (Kommerskollegiet) in order to overview the state and development of the industrial sector in the country. The assignment to report was given to local authorities in the cities (hallrätterna) and the rural bailiwicks (fögderierna). It was collected in a largely uniform way from the 1740s and well into the 20th Century: micro-level data with factory name, owner, type of production, production volume, production value, number of workers of different categories, and from 1863, specification of machinery, type of power sources (man, beast, water, steam, electricity) and horse power figures.
you can browse a map which visualizes the spatial distribution of manufacturing activity in any given year, and as measured by a number of outcomes.
The Historical Manufacturing Census of Sweden is the outcome of a collaborations between researchers at Lund University and Stockholm University.