Journals and newspapers
The University Library offerts both Journals and Newspapers and microfilms of newspapers.
Search in OneSearch to find all the journals that the library has access to, both printed ones and e-journals.
In BrowZine you find most of our e-journals. The advantage with BrowZine is that you can:
- Browse and search by topic
- Add favourite magazines
- Read and save articles
- Monitor your favourite magazines (receive email notifications)
More information about BrowZine
To find all the newspapers that the library has access to, search our newspaper databases.
Newspapers in Kalmar
- Barometern
- Dagens Nyheter
- Smålandsposten
- Svenska Dagbladet
MAP (the library in Kalmar)
The newspapers are discarded after one day.
Newspapers in Växjö
- Dagens ETC
- Dagens Industri
- Dagens Nyheter
- Le Monde (veckoupplaga)
- El País (veckoupplaga)
- Smålandsposten
- Smålänningen
- Svenska Dagbladet
- Die Zeit
MAP (the library in Växjö)
The newspapers are discarded after one month.
Newspapers on microfilm in Växjö
Available titles in the microfilm room on floor 0 (UB0039a):
- Aftonbladet (AB), 1960-1979.06.30
- Arbetet, 1960-1981
- Expressen, 1960-1979.06.30
- Göteborgs handels- o. sjöfartst., 1960-1973.09.08
- Göteborgsposten (GP), 1960-1974.03.31
- Jönköpingsposten (JP), 1968-1980
- Kronobergaren, 1979-1984
- Kvällsposten (KvP), 1968-1979
- Skånska Dagbladet (SkD), 1968-1979.06.30
- Smålandsposten (SmP) 1974-2013
- Stockholmstidningen (ST) 1960-1966.02.27
- Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) 1960-2013
- Sydsvenska Dagbladet (SDS) 1950-2013
MAP (biblioteket i Växjö)
Available in the closed archive:
- Dagens Nyheter (DN) 1919-2013
Microfilm readers
The University Library has two microfilm readers, one in Kalmar and one in Växjö. The readers can be booked in TimeEdit. You may use the microfilm readers without booking but bookings will always have priority. Printing costs SEK 2 for A3 and SEK 1 for A4. In Växjö there is no printing option, but you can save on a USB memory by clicking "Scan to USB".
MAP (microfilm reader in Växjö) | MAP (microfilm reader in Kalmar)