Computer using the University Librarys all-in-one Search service, OneSearch

OneSearch - The University Library’s all-in-one search service

OneSearch is the Linnaeus University Library's all-in-one search service. It includes the library catalogue and most of our databases.

Find the Book

  1. Enter your keywords in the search box, such as the book's title or author.
  2. When you find the book in OneSearch, you'll get information about which shelf the book is on and whether it is available for borrowing.
  3. Go to the shelf. Tip! There is a map to help you locate the shelf.
  4. Find the correct section on the shelf. Note: There may be multiple sections on the same shelf.
  5. Locate the book. Books are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name or by title.

    You're done!
Search for books in OneSearch

About the search service OneSearch

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is the University Library's all-in-one search service and includes the library catalogue and most of our databases. For full functionality in OneSearch you need a library account which you can get here.

What can you find in OneSearch?

In OneSearch you can find books, articles, journals, dissertations, conference proceedings, reports, databases and a lot more. You can find all of our eBooks and printed books and almost all our databases full text articles. To search in a specific database instead, see our list of databases.

What can you do in OneSearch?

  • Create and copy a permanent link to a certain catalogue entry
  • Download a reference to a catalogue entry in different formats (for example RIS, RefWorks, EndNote)
  • Create and copy a reference to a certain catalogue entry
  • Send a catalogue entry to an email address
  • Save a search query to make it available during your search session
  • Save entries on a list that remains available during your search session
  • Access "My account"
  • Make orders/reservations
  • Limit your search according to parameters such as full text, subject, journal and database

After logging in to "My library account" you can also:

  • Save a search query
  • Set alert to your email address for a saved query
  • Save entries on a list
  • Label saved entries.

Instruction films

Search for academic articles in OneSearch

Frequently asked questions