Register your thesis in DiVA

Students at Linnaeus University register their theses in DiVA after the examiner’s approval. You can choose to publish your thesis openly available for everyone to read, or you can choose to restrict access to it. Here you will find instructions on how to register your thesis in DiVA.


Log in to DiVA with your student account.

Use the DiVA checklist to keep track of what information to fill in when you register in DiVA.

Hold the cursor over the red question marks in DiVA for more information on what should be entered in to each field.

Search for theses in DiVA.

NB! If you are an employee at Linnaeus University you can find information about DiVA on Staff/Medarbetare.



DiVA provides a portal with a search engine and an open archive for students' theses, doctoral theses and research publications produced at Swedish higher education institutions and research institutions. Via DiVA, the registered publications can be made searchable and available to the public. After a thesis has been examined, it is a public document that can be requested by members of the public. The university is obliged to store and arrange the theses so that they can be made available on request. By using the DiVA portal, this can be ensured.

Degree projects carried out at the higher education institution are public documents and the right to take part of public documents is expressed in the Freedom of the Press Act, which is part of our constitution. Here it is stated that the public's right to take part of public documents is the main principle, but that there are exceptions. The exceptions are described in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the DiVA-administrator at your department

If your DiVA administrator is unavailable, you are welcome to contact the University Library’s DiVA support.