Register your thesis in DiVA
Students at Linnaeus University register their theses in DiVA after the examiner’s approval. You can choose to publish your thesis openly available for everyone to read, or you can choose to restrict access to it. Here you will find instructions on how to register your thesis in DiVA.
Log in to DiVA with your student account.
Use the DiVA checklist to keep track of what information to fill in when you register in DiVA.
Hold the cursor over the red question marks in DiVA for more information on what should be entered in to each field.
NB! If you are an employee at Linnaeus University you can find information about DiVA on Staff/Medarbetare.
Movie - register your thesis in DiVA
I’m having trouble logging in to DiVA to register my thesis!
If you can't log in to DiVA with your student account, the security level of your account is probably too low. Please contact the IT-support, show them your ID and tell them that you want to raise the security level of your student account.
Do I have to enter a title in another language for my thesis?
This is recommended since both "Title" and "Alternative title" will be synchronized to your degree certificate. If "Alternative title" is left empty, the original language title will show on your degree certificate twice.
Help! My thesis is not visible when I search in DiVA!
It may take some time for your thesis to be visible in DiVA after your registration. The DiVA-administrator at your department will verify that your thesis has been approved by the examiner and that the uploaded PDF file is the correct one. If you have questions about the status of your thesis, please contact the DiVA administrator at your department.
Where will my thesis be visible?
Your thesis will be visible both in the Linnaeus University DiVA and in the Swedish DiVA. The thesis will also be visible in the Swedish search services Uppsök and, as well as in international search services such as Google and Google Scholar.
Can I make changes to the text after submitting it to DiVA?
No. The text of the thesis must always correspond with the version approved by the examiner, and cannot be changed. Please contact the DiVA-administrator at your department if you want to correct a spelling mistake in the title, if the PDF file has become corrupted, etc.
How do I create a PDF file?
In Word, choose File > Save as, and choose the PDF format, or click directly on File > Save as PDF.
In Open Office, choose File > Export to PDF.
In Pages for Mac, choose File > Export to > PDF.
In the web version of Pages, choose the wrench > Download a copy > PDF.
Can I add image and sound files to my entry in DiVA?
Yes. This can be done at the same page where you upload your thesis in full text. Make sure you pick the correct file format in the form before uploading the file. You can rename the files after uploading them by clicking the icon "Edit file information" in the form.
What do I do if I have attachments larger than 1 GB?
Files larger than 1 GB (max 16 GB per file) are uploaded via URL, multiple files can be uploaded.
If a file sharing service is used, the file must be freely shared, i.e. it must not require a login for access. Some file sharing services have multiple download links, always choose a direct link that ends with the same file extension as the uploaded file.
Paste the URL into the field that you can find at the bottom of the file upload window and hit the "Confirm Link Address" button. Don't forget to enter the file information as usual at the top of the form, otherwise the upload won't work.
Note that the file is uploaded when you save the record and that large files take time.
If you're having trouble uploading your files, or if you're having trouble finding a suitable sharing service, please contact
In Summary:
- Max 16 GB per file
- Requires sharing service without login for access
- Requires direct link with file extension, for example:
- Don't forget the file information
- Large files take time
Keep in mind that it's good for usability to keep the file size down. If the file takes a long time to upload, it will also take a long time to download. Uploading a zip archive may be an option if there are many different or large files, such as a computer program.
Can older theses be registered in DiVA?
Yes, if you have written a thesis at the University of Kalmar, Växjö University or Linnaeus University, if it has been approved and you have an active student account. Log in to DiVA and follow the instructions as listed above. Note; name the department that you belonged to when the thesis was approved.
What are the rules for using pictures, diagrams, etc., in my thesis?
For information on copyright law and plagiarism, go to Referencing.
If you do not have an LNU account
IT support can, if necessary, open up an inactive student account for one week.
Which publishing options are available?
When registering your thesis, you can choose between three publishing options:
- All registered information about the thesis is available. This means that all metadata registered as well as the uploaded full text (the thesis in PDF format) will be published.
- The full text is excluded but the other information is made available. This means that all information registered except for full text (the thesis in PDF format) will be published.
- The information is hidden. This means that all information that has been registered as well as the full text will be hidden, ie information such as title, abstract, author, full text, etc. This choice means that the entire registration will be hidden. The thesis can then only be retrieved by an authorized administrator at the university.
Option 3 should primarily be used in cases where the content of the thesis may entail a threat, contain classified information or if you don't want to make your thesis visible for personal reasons.
Option 3 also means that the thesis will not be searchable via Google or other search engines.
If the thesis contains confidential information, the full text PDF should not be uploaded to DiVA. The process is described under the heading "What do I do if my thesis contains classified information?"
What do I do if my thesis contains classified information?
Theses with classified information are to be registered in DiVA with a check in the box Secrecy at the Upload files section. The PDF full text of the thesis is not uploaded to DiVA. Instead upload this form. The thesis itself should instead be sent to the registrar. For more information about how to send your thesis containing classified information to the registrar, please see the document Hantering av uppsatser med sekretessbelagda uppgifter (in Swedish).
If two versions of the thesis has been written, one containing classified information and one that does not, the one without classified information is to be uploaded to DiVA according to the usual instructions at the top of this page.
Please see the website Collaboration with companies for more information about starting work on a thesis that may contain classified information.
DiVA provides a portal with a search engine and an open archive for students' theses, doctoral theses and research publications produced at Swedish higher education institutions and research institutions. Via DiVA, the registered publications can be made searchable and available to the public. After a thesis has been examined, it is a public document that can be requested by members of the public. The university is obliged to store and arrange the theses so that they can be made available on request. By using the DiVA portal, this can be ensured.
Degree projects carried out at the higher education institution are public documents and the right to take part of public documents is expressed in the Freedom of the Press Act, which is part of our constitution. Here it is stated that the public's right to take part of public documents is the main principle, but that there are exceptions. The exceptions are described in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.
Further information about guidelines for electronic registration
The student is central to the process of registering information about themselves and their thesis. The student is also responsible for registering the approved thesis in DiVA. The faculty is responsible for publishing the work according to the student's wishes. The archive function at the university management's office provides support in cases where the thesis contains classified information. In order for this process to work, it is required that the student receives information about the process and that the student is responsible for registering the thesis in DiVA. The document below describes the process of registering and publishing the thesis.
From Rektorsbeslut (Rector's Resolution) 2022-10-13
If you are considering publishing your thesis in a journal, it may be a good idea to only store the PDF file, without publishing it in DiVA. There are journals that oppose publication if the material has already been published in full text elsewhere.
For theses subject to confidentiality, a full text is not uploaded to DiVA.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact the DiVA-administrator at your department.
If your DiVA administrator is unavailable, you are welcome to contact the University Library’s DiVA support.