Transition funds

When the organization or employees are faced with new challenges, extra efforts are sometimes required. Local transition funds can then become an important tool that contributes to long-term development work. They can be applied for both individuals and groups to promote the business, employability and work environment.

Transition funds must be proactive and there must be a plan for how they will benefit the business. Decision-making meetings on transition funds are held twice per semester.

The key principles of the transition agreement are:

  • Sustainable working life
  • Change management and business development
  • Increased employability

For the business, proactive transformation is about ensuring that the right skills are in place both now and in the future. For the employee, it may be a matter of developing their skills in current or new areas of work.

Local transition funds can be applied for and granted for measures and activities in accordance with the agreement, but they should never replace ordinary activities.

Measures and activities that receive transition funds must contribute to:

  • Promote a good working environment
  • Stimulate skills supply and career development
  • Facilitate the need for change
  • Stimulating worker mobility
  • Promoting employability
  • Stimulate educational institutions, based on the needs of the business

Local transition funds are not granted to pay for entire doctoral programmes.

Get in touch with the relevant HR partner to discuss ideas. Feel free to think creatively and ask one question too many, rather than one too little.

This is how the application process works

The application is written by the responsible manager on the form Application for transition funds. The manager then submits the application to his or her HR partner, who then reports the matter to the coordinator of the joint group.

After the joint group's decision meeting, the decision is sent to the relevant HR partner, who in turn informs the applicant's manager. Decisions on granted funds are sent for information and follow-up to Jennie Brakander Holgersson, Finance Department.

Joint Group meetings for 2025:

  • January 20: dialogue meeting
  • March 5: decision meeting (last day for applications is February 26)
  • April 30: dialogue meeting
  • June 11: decision meeting (last day for applications is June 4)

This applies if you are a manager before an application

  • It is always you as a manager who applies for transition funds.
  • You should always contact your HR partner before applying.
  • After a positive decision on transition funds, it is you as a manager who is responsible for communicating with the responsible financial officer.

About the joint agreement between the parties

Linnaeus University's collective agreement regarding transition funds aims to create long-term local transition work through proactive transition measures and other activities that support both the business and the employees' development. 

Linnaeus University and the staff organisations have agreed on how to handle applications for transition funds according to the collective agreement on local transition funds at Linnaeus University 2019-01-01.

The joint group for transition funds consists of the HR manager (Marianne Johansson-Hellström), an HR partner (Catharina Ljungberg Johansson) and representatives of the staff organisations (Sofie Tornhill and Jan Andersson for SACO-S, Joachim Peters and Lena Ahlberg for OFR/ST). The coordinator of the joint group is Catharina Ljungberg Johansson, HR Division.