Advice in the event of threats or violence

Do you need help from a security guard?
For situations requiring external assistance measures, contact Avarn Security directly via telephone 010 210 93 87.

• in emergencies, dial 112
• for non-emergencies, contact the police directly via 114 14

Some advice for if you feel threatened
Some simple rules to avoid provoking or being provoked in a threatening situation:

Try to remain calm Often, the attack is not directly aimed at you; instead, you may find yourself in the path of an aggressive person or have done something to make them angry.

Listen actively An aggressive person will be pleasantly surprised if they are met with somebody who is interested and willing to listen to their problems.

Respect boundaries An aggressive person needs more space. Do not get too physically close, avoid questions which may be interpreted as personal until you feel certain that you have been accepted.

Give them some breathing space You can do this for example by moving to a suitable location, where you can talk to each other without being disturbed. Make sure that others know where you are going.

Take the other person seriously Show respect for their emotions
Use your professional knowledge Trust your own abilities and intuition

Refrain from threatening This way you can avoid escalating the conflict

Stick to the topic Refrain from making personal remarks, especially those which may offend or demean the other party.

Avoid a win-lose situation Try to instigate a discussion where nobody feels like a winner or a loser – instead they feel like a part of a solution to a problem.

Make others aware of the situation. If the situation demands it, escape and shout for help. When necessary, call security personnel and/or the police.