Discrimination and offensive treatment

Linnaeus University has a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, harassment and other violations. Here you will find information about discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation. You will also find information about how to submit a report.




Discrimination is a complex phenomenon because it often occurs in more subtle ways. Put simply, discrimination can be explained in terms of someone being disadvantaged or violated, and that the disadvantage can be linked to one of the seven grounds of discrimination;

The law refers to six forms of discrimination:

What does it mean to be disadvantaged?
A person is disadvantaged when another person’s actions, decisions or behaviour results in a negative consequence for said person, as in detriment, disadvantage or discomfort. This could, for example, refer to a person who is put in a disadvantaged position or denied an improvement, benefit or service. It does not matter whether the intention was to disadvantage; the effect or result determines if the action caused a disadvantage.

In order to disadvantage someone, a person needs to be in a position of power or have the means needed to disadvantage. For example, a manager has the power and means to disadvantage an employee, a teacher can disadvantage a student. However, a student normally lacks the power or means to disadvantage a fellow student or teacher. On the other hand, a student can subject a fellow student to harassment or sexual harassment, and also victimisation.

How do I report?

Reports of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation taking place at Linnaeus University can be made in the following ways:    

  • You can contact the head of your department and report what happened. The Head of the Department is responsible for investigating what happened and documenting their work. If the Head of Department was the one mistreating you, you can contact your faculty’s dean.
  • Registrar: A report can be submitted or sent to the registrar at Linnaeus University in the form of an email, registrator@lnu.se, or via mail to Registrar, Linnaeus University, 351 95 Växjö.      
  • Verbal report: Oral reports can also be made to the Coordinator for Equal Rights.  

Both the person who was subjected to some form of discrimination and another person who has observed abuse can make a report. Reports can however not be made anonymously.

What should a report contain?

A report submitted to Linnaeus University should include: 

  • an account of what has transpired 
  • when the incident took place 
  • the name of the victim and their workplace/department 
  • the name of the alleged harasser and their workplace/department
  • any witnesses to the incident