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Gender equality

Linnaeus University works from a gender equality perspective with focus on intersectionality and sustainability where gender is the base but focus also lays in how gender interacts with other power structures.

An intersectional approach is always based on gender, but never gender alone. This means that gender mainstreaming and efforts to combat discrimination together constitute the university’s work on equal opportunities. People’s conditions are complex and influenced by the interplay of factors such as class, gender identity, gender expression, ethnic background, religion, functionality, sexuality, and age. Taking an intersectional equality perspective means considering the potential implications of a decision, action, or measure for equality and for conditions that affect people’s opportunities to act on equal terms.

The national political equality objective

Equality is achieved when women and men have the same opportunities, rights and obligations within all areas of life. The national, political equality objective is that women and men should have exactly the same power to shape society and their own lives. Based on this overall objective, the government has formulated six sub-goals to guide the politics (Shared power shared responsibility, Prop. 1993/94: 147):

• Equal distribution of power and influence. Women and men are to have the same right and opportunity to be active citizens and to shape the conditions for decision-making.
• Financial equality. Women and men are to have the same opportunities and conditions when it comes to paid work, which gives financial independence through life.
• Equal education. Women and men, girls and boys are to have the same opportunities and conditions when it comes to education, choice of studies and personal development.
• Equal distribution of unpaid housework and care of children. Women and men are to take the same responsibility for housework and have the same opportunities to provide and receive care on equal conditions.
• Equal health. Women and men, girls and boys are to have the same conditions for a good health and be offered medical care and care on equal conditions.
• Men's violence against women must cease. Women and men, girls and boys are to have the same right and opportunity to bodily integrity.


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