Lnu Stella

Newly employed

Welcome to Linnaeus University!

As a new employee, you are invited to various introductory activities. These include a university-wide information day and an HR-information meeting about your rights and obligations as an employee.

In Employed at Lnu, you can find useful information concerning HR-related issues such as work environment, working hours, vacation, benefits, professional development etc. Under Support and service you will find more practical information that you may find useful during your employment at Lnu.

If you are new to the higher education sector, you may feel the need to learn about the system and what it entails working at a public institution. Even if you have worked within higher education elsewhere and you are familiar with principles and assignments that are typical for our sector, you may still have lots of questions about the policies, procedures and routines that are in place specifically at Linnaeus University. We hope that the introductory activities that we offer, along with a welcoming hand from your managers and colleagues, will support you in getting settled in our environment.

Quick start - for you with teaching assignments

The purpose with this meeting is to provide an introduction to the teaching assignment on an overall level. We will present structures and regulations, and provide tools for a quick start for teaching at Linnaeus University.

Target group is teachers, but also education administrators, teaching librarians, ICT educators, student union employees, etc.

Time: February 6, 9–12 (incl. break)
Place: Zoom

Register here

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Linnaeus University’s digital systems

Linnaeus University has created a quick guide to the digital systems used here. You can find the guide here.