Supervision in Postgraduate Programmes (SPGP)

The Section for Higher Education Development at Linnaeus University offers a special university-wide course for PhD-supervisors – Supervision in postgraduate programmes (SPGP).

Next iteration of SPGP starts in the fall of 2025. Application form opens in the spring of 2025.

About SPGP

This course, which is commissioned by the Vice-Chancellor, aims to strengthen and develop competences of PhD-supervisors, to ultimately support the doctoral students’ learning conditions. SPGP is part of the faculties’ quality assurance and improvement strategy. The course is a university/academic requirement in order to qualify as primary supervisor in postgraduate programmes.

Doctoral studies in Swedish universities are exclusive, i.e. not available for everyone, and subject to a set of regulations stipulated in various steering documents, such as the Higher Education Act, The Higher Education Ordinance and local regulations formulated by each university. At Linnaeus University, each Faculty Board is responsible for securing the quality and equity of postgraduate programmes in the disciplines within the Faculty. As part of this responsibility, the Faculty Boards need to ensure that PhD-supervisors are provided with appropriate preparation and training for the tasks included in their role and in their pedagogical practice.

One of your main responsibilities as a supervisor in postgraduate programmes is to secure that the doctoral students have the best conditions to be able to achieve the learning outcomes for postgraduate education and complete their studies successfully. Furthermore, as a supervisor you are responsible for the study progress of the PhD candidates and their integration with the scientific community.

In order to take on the formal responsibilities of a primary PhD-supervisor and to be able to live up to the broad set of expectations that are associated with the role of supervisor in postgraduate programmes, you need a broad set of experiences, competences and skills.

The course Supervision in postgraduate programmes (SPGP) aims to prepare doctoral supervisors for their complex mission. This includes creating suitable pedagogical practices by providing materials and activities that will enhance your abilities and skills as a supervisor to take appropriate actions in different supervision situations.

The course is designed to encourage exchanges of experiences between the participants from different disciplines and to promote collaborative learning where PhD-supervisors create a reflective community of practice.

The focus of SPGP, the course contents and the preparations to be completed, are purposely designed to meet the standards required by the regulations regarding postgraduate programmes and to ultimately enhance the quality of doctoral studies at Linnaeus University.