- Employed at Lnu
- Governing documents
Governing documents
Here you will find a selection of our local governing documents sorted by subject. More documents are available on the Swedish version of this page.
Central Agreements
Local Agreements
- Local agreement on working hours for teachers at Linnaeus University
- Local collective agreement on unsocial hours bonus for teachers and post doctors
- Decision annual leave for doctoral students, research assistants and teaching assistants
- Hourly pay,technical and administrative staff
- Hourly pay,teaching staff
Policy Documents
Local Regulations
- Appointment procedures for the appointment of teachers at Linnaeus University, revised 220429
- Supplementary guidelines for the appointment of teachers Appointment procedures
- Supplementary guidelines for promotion to senior lecturer or professor Appointment procedures
- Supplementary guidelines for the appointment of associate professors Appointment procedures
- Ruling on remuneration for employee business travel at Linnaeus University
- Rules on secondary employment.pdf