Performance appraisal

The performance appraisal is a dialogue between the manager and the employee and an opportunity for the employee to influence their work situation. The conversation should primarily be focused on the future. It should be held regularly, at least once a year.

Bild guide
Feel free to use the digital guide for Performance appraisals. You can take digital notes and save them to your computer.

Support for your conversation

The information on this website should be seen as a basis for the performance appraisal aimed at both managers and members of staff. It serves as support concerning what areas should be addressed at a performance appraisal.

Under each area, there are examples of questions that you can use in the conversation.

At the bottom of the page, there are also a number of extra questions for further discussion that can be used, and a separate block of questions that are specifically aimed at performance appraisals between two managers.

During the dialogue, you outline the current situation and what needs to be done in the coming year for you as an employee to develop, and you also discuss how the organisation’s activities and the work environment can be developed.

The goal of the performance appraisal is to create the best possible work situation. The dialogue addresses questions about health and personal circumstances, and as an employee, you decide what and how much you want to share. The performance appraisal is a confidential conversation.

The dialogue is mandatory and should be conducted at least once a year. The dialogue should be scheduled well in advance so that both the manager and the employee can prepare. Use this material as a guide to identify what is important to discuss.

Workgroup and workplace – what does it mean?

In this material, the term workgroup primarily refers to the group that you, as an employee, feel closest to. The term workplace refers to the organisational affiliation, like what office or department the employee belongs to and who the employee's manager is.

The following areas are good to bring up in a performance appraisal:

Use the support material

In the PDF document Performance appraisal, you will find questions that can be used at a performance appraisal. It also includes a development plan form that you can fill out digitally. Finally, there is also a page to summarise the conversation. Please do this and remember to save the PDF to your own home directory/computer.

Performance appraisal including development plan form and summary form (PDF).

Do you have any questions or comments?

This support material was produced in spring 2023. The material has been tested at several offices/departments and been adjusted in several rounds. It is good if managers and employees provide feedback on how well it works so that the basis can continue to be developed.

Talk to your HR partner or contact Marion Tersmeden, development consultant at the HR Office with your feedback. Thank you!