
On this page you will find information about ergonomics and where you as employed can turn for questions regarding ergonomic assessment

Ergonomic assessment of your workplace

Furnishings and equipment that lead to movement and variation, via their design or placement, can counteract the effects of prolonged sedentary work. According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s Regulation 2023:12, which governs the rules regarding the design of the workplace, an example of appropriate equipment to enable movement and variation is electrically raised and lowerable desks or balance desks.

If something in your physical work environment needs to be changed or reviewed, you should contact your immediate manager or HR-partner so that you can consult and clarify what type of ergonomic review needs to be done. The first step is to review the basic settings at the existing workplace. The second step is to do an ergonomic review with the help of the occupational health care services.

Review of basic settings
This review is carried out by a caretaker from Office of Facilities Management and Services.This review concerns the adjustment of height, distance etc, to your individual needs. The basic settings include the desk, chair, location of the computer screen and lighting ​​in relation to the individual person’s height, etc. When this is completed, you will receive an information sheet, where the default settings that have been made, the date, name and room number are noted. In consultation between you, the manager in charge and an HR-partner, an assessment is made if any additional further measures are needed.

Ergonomic review via occupational health care services
If problems persist, if the complaints have led to contact with a physician or physiotherapist, or if the complaints have led to sick-leave, the HR-partner will contact the occupational health care services for further investigation, assessment and proposals for measures regarding the particular workplace. An order for an ergonomic risk assessment via the occupational health care services is made via HR-partners in consultation with the manager.

If additional ergonomic solutions need to be purchased, such as a specially adapted chair, you as an employee must submit a certificate written by a physiotherapist/physician or similar professional officially stating your particular problems and your special needs for ergonomic solutions. If you do not have a report or referral from a physiotherapist/physician, you should contact your HR-partner who, in consultation with your manager, will write a requisition to the occupational health care service, which will then meet with you and make an assessment.

The report or referral is sent to the manager together with requests for the ordering of ergonomic equipment. Please note that the order for specially adapted solutions must be clear and specified with name, article number or similar identifier, and any accessories are specified in the order. You must also specify in which room/office, in which building and to whom the order is to be placed.

The material must be available for purchase from Linnaeus University’s contracted suppliers, a list of which can be found on the page on the current framework agreement.

The manager in charge contacts the Office of facilities management and services for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the existing framework agreement. Some supplies can be ordered via the university shop (, while others can be ordered via the Office of facilities management and services (furnishings, fixtures /major equipment) or the IT-office (computer accessories).

Contact persons at the Office of facilities management and services
For a review of the basic settings, contact your caretaker:
Caretaker in Växjö
Caretaker in Kalmar