Work injuries and incidents

On this page you will find information about incidents- and accidents at work

Occupational injury
An occupational injury is when suffers a work-related personal injury or illness. An occupational injury may occur due to any of a number of reasons, such as an accident at work, accident on the way to or from the workplace, work-related illness caused by e.g. conflicts or a too high workload, or in the event of a serious threat or violent situation.

Reporting an occupational injury
The notification report is made via the electronic form of the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

The report is made by the manager in consultation with the employee and the safety representative, with HR as a support. The report must be sent to for registration in a journal, therefore remember to save the electronic report.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority confirms the report via the electronic receipt that is displayed when the employer has completed and sent the report. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency confirms the receipt of the notification report via a letter sent to the injured person’s home address.

Injuries of students
If a student is injured during the teaching, this must be reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency via their electronic forms. The report must be sent to the for registration in a journal, therefore remember to save the electronic report. The report to the Work Environment Authority is made in consultation with the course coordinator and the Head of Department. For the Department of Criminology and Police Work, the course coordinator makes the report in the event any student injuries.

Investigation of the injury
After the report of the injury is filed, an investigation into the cause of the injury must be made, and this is also to include recommended measures to prevent similar injuries from occurring. The investigation is done together with the safety representative and is to then be sent to
If it concerns an injury to a student, the course coordinator can provide support. At the Department of Criminology and Police Work, the course coordinator has the responsibility to investigate and send the report to the Registrar.

Insurance in connection with an occupational injury
In the event of an occupational injury, you as a central government employee are insured via AFA. You can receive compensation for:

  • loss of income (does not apply to accidents on the way to or from work)
  • expenses
  • pain and suffering
  • lasting difficulties
  • scars
  • dental injury

More information can be found on AFA’s website.

Filing insurance claims
The claim is filed by the injured party (party seeking compensation). The Manager, safety representative and HR consultant can assist. When you file a claim, you will receive a case number and confirmation of your claim by e-mail or SMS. After the claim has been filed, the following must be submitted to the insurance company AFA.

  • copy of any medical certificate or other doctor’s report
  • copy of the report of occupational injury filed

If you have incurred expenses due to the occupational injury, save your receipts. Receipts are a prerequisite for any compensation. Receipts are to be submitted to AFA Insurance if they request it.

The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency

If an injury occurs where a vehicle owned by the authority is involved in a matter resulting in an insurance claim, Kammarkollegiet, the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency automobile insurance applies. The claim is filed by the injured party (party seeking compensation). The Manager, safety representative and HR consultant can assist.

If another vehicle  is involved in a matter resulting in an insurance claim, the vehicle owner’s automobile insurance applies. In such case contact the owner of the vehicle and ask them to report the incident to their insurance company.

Injury or loss in the event of work-related travel
The Tjänstereseförsäkringen/Swedish State Business Travel Insurance applies with all work-related travel you make on behalf of the public authority in Sweden and abroad. The insurance is taken out by the public authority and there is no charge for you. Report a loss or injury during work-related travel on the form via the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s website.

The form must be authenticated by the Authority before it can be submitted. So does your HR partner.

Students who suffer an injury to themselves
Students who are injured in the University’s premises or within the University’s area are covered by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s insurance. As a course coordinator you can obtain the forms via the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s website.

An incident is an undesirable event or situation of an organisational, social or physical nature that could lead to health concerns, illness or accident. This could be a course of events where someone could have injured themselves however no one was actually injured.

Reporting incidents
All employees are responsible for reporting incidents to their nearest manager so that what constitutes a risk for an accident can be promptly dealt with. The safety representative must also be informed of the course of events. The incident must then be reported on the form “Incident Notification.” The manager is responsible to ensure that the incident is registered in a journal.

Serious incidents
If the incident is of a serious nature, you must immediately notify your immediate manager as notification of this must be made immediately to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Notification regarding employees is made by the manager in consultation with the affected person(s), HR partner and safety representative. If the incident is not of a serious nature, no notification to the Swedish Work Environment Authority is needed.

Serious incident regarding a student
If a serious incident applies to the student, it is the Head of Department/manager in the Department who, with the help of the course coordinator, reports the serious incident to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. At the Department of Criminology and Police Work, it is the course coordinator.

Investigation of incidents
In the event of an incident, an investigation into which immediate and more long-term measures need to be taken to avoid risk or injury is made. The manager is responsible for ensuring that the requisite measures are taken and the matter is followed up. The investigation is carried out by the immediate manager together with safety representatives and feedback is provided to the injured party; the HR partner can assist. The investigation must be attached to the report. If the investigation is not completed by the time of the notification of the incident, it must be sent to the central registry when it has been completed. If the incident involves a student, the course coordinator can provide support.