Parental leave

As a parent, your right to leave is regulated in the Parental Leave Act. The right to parental benefit benefits is regulated in the Act on General Insurance and salary benefits in connection with parental leave in our Terms and Conditions Agreement and in the Local Agreement on Parental Pay.

According to the Parental Leave Act, you are entitled to full parental leave until your child is one and a half years old. In addition, you are entitled to leave while you receive parental benefit from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or 12.5%).                 

As a parent, you have the right to reduce your working hours by up to a quarter until your child reaches the age of 8 or until the end of the child's first year of school.

As a government employee, the Leave ordinance also provides for the possibility of reducing your working hours until the end of the year in which your child turns 12.

If possible, you must report the leave to the employer two months before the leave is to begin. Try to plan for longer periods at a time. You are entitled to three periods per calendar year. A single day of parental leave is counted as a period, when applying for an additional period or if the extent of the leave changes, it is counted as a new period. You do the planning in consultation with your manager and you also need to plan for taking a vacation. You need to take at least 20 vacation days / year before you can save any vacation, this also applies if you take parental leave during the year.

If you wish to return to work earlier than planned, this must be notified to the employer at least one month in advance.

You can report your parental leave (or leave of absence according to the Leave of Absence Ordinance, if the child is over 8 years old) in Primula. You report to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that you are on parental leave and request for parental benefit. More information about parental allowance can be found at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, see link below.

Parental pay
You have the opportunity to receive parental pay from Linnaeus University during the first 360 calendar days of parental leave per child birth/adoption. Should both parents be employed at Linnaeus University, you have the joint opportunity to take out a maximum of 390 days with parental salary, you then need to notify the employer that both parents are employed at Linnaeus University so that the correct compensation is paid. Parental leave pay can be received up to and including the child's 8th birthday or the completion of the first year of compulsory school.

Parental pay is paid at the rate of 10% of the daily wage on salary components up to the basic amount ceiling. On salary components that exceed the basic amount ceiling, parental pay is paid at the rate of 90% of the daily wage.

 Local agreement on parental pay can be found in its entirety below.

Sick during parental leave
If you fall ill during parental leave and cannot take care of your child, you must notify the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that you should pause your parental allowance and instead request sickness benefit. For information about sick leave during parental leave, see the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's website, Parental leave and sick It is not Linnaeus University that pays sick pay, but instead the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that pays sickness benefit, but you must notify your salary specialist which period you instead receive sickness benefit.

Temporary parental allowance in connection with the birth of a child
In connection with the birth of a child, the person who is the child's second parent is entitled to leave for ten working days. The days can be taken out until the 60th day after the day the child returns home from the hospital. You apply for the benefit yourself from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Care of sick child

You have the opportunity to take leave for the care of a sick child for children up to 12 years old. see link below.

You register the leave in Primula and apply to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency for temporary parental allowance.

Application in Primula
To apply for parental leave in Primula, you first need to register the child. You do this under My page, Personal data. There you specify the child or children who may be relevant to apply for parental leave for. The first six digits of the social security number are enough. Should the baby not be born, enter the date of estimated delivery. When the baby is then born, yours goes in again and changes the information about estimated delivery to the date of birth. The case must be sent and closed by the payroll specialist before the child becomes eligible in the parental leave case.

You can apply for parental leave under My page, Maternity leave. Once you have registered the child's date of birth, the child will be selectable in the Children drop-down list. When applying for leave for children over the age of 8, select My page, Leave instead. In the drop-down list for Reason for leave, select Leave without pay according to the Leave of Absence Ordinance. Here it is not possible to select the child in the drop-down list, but you can instead enter under Message / attachments that the leave refers to children and the child's date of birth.

You can apply for care of a sick child and temporary parental allowance in connection with the birth of a child under My page, Maternity leave. Also in these cases, you need to enter the child's date of birth under Message /attachments.