According to the Annual Holidays Act, employees are entitled to at least 25 vacation days per year, but as a state employee you have more vacation days through collective agreements and the right to paid vacation already the first year you are employed. Your age determines how many vacation days you have:
28 days up to 29 years
31 days for you between 30-39 years
35 days from the year you turn 40
The number of vacation days requires work throughout the calendar year
In the first instance, all vacation days of the year should be used during the year. The option to save holidays only applies if you have taken at least 20 of the year's vacation days. If you start your employment late in the year or who for some other reason do not earn 20 vacation days, you must therefore plan to take all the year's accrued vacation days. The purpose of the possibility to save vacation days is to give employees the opportunity to take a longer vacation another year. You can save a maximum of 30 vacation days. If you want to take saved vacation days in connection with the main holiday, you must apply for this in connection with the holiday planning for the year. If you have more than 30 saved vacation days at the end of December, the excess days will be paid with the February salary the following year.
Keep in mind that if you leave your employment before the end of the year, you will not earn full annual leave and may then receive a salary deduction if you have had longer paid holiday than you earned. Also keep in mind that absence may limit the number of paid vacation days.
If you get sick during the holidays
If you fall ill while on holiday, you must report sick on the first day of illness in order to be able to exchange holiday for sick leave. Notify your manager and register sick leave in Primula. For more info see
Factors that may affect the number of accrued vacation days
To earn full annual leave, the employment must be for the entire calendar year. If the employment ends during the year, you will be liable to repay if full vacation has already been taken. Leave of absence, parental leave and long-term sick leave can also affect the number of vacation days you earn.
Parental leave
If you are on partial parental leave, you must take annual leave as usual, no break is made in parental leave. However, full-time parental leave cannot be taken while you are on holiday. If you are on full parental leave, you can take a break from parental leave to take annual leave. Keep in mind that at least 20 vacation days must be taken in order to save vacation days, unless you are on full parental leave for the whole year. Parental leave during the summer does not allow you to save vacation days if you have not taken at least 20 vacation days. For more info see
Sick leave
If you are on part-time sick leave, you must take vacation as usual. In the event of full-time sick leave, you have the opportunity to receive both sickness benefit from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and annual leave that provides salary and holiday compensation. Notify your payroll specialist if you wish to take vacation and for what period and we will solve it. If your sick leave is ongoing part of the year, the basis is that your annual leave is posted during the year and that your work task plan is planned based on that. Keep in mind that long-term sick leave can affect how many vacation days you earn. For more information, you can contact your payroll specialist.
Leave of absence
Full-time leave is normally not holiday pay, which means that it affects the number of vacation days you earn. If you plan to be on leave during the autumn, you should inform your manager and the payroll specialist about this before the holiday is posted to avoid being liable to repay.
Holiday withdrawal for teachers* and doctoral students
According to the general rule, all annual leave for teachers and doctoral students is arranged on a flat rate basis during the summer (or in December for those who start their employment during the autumn semester). This year's vacation days are posted by the payroll specialists at the HR department from the Monday after Midsummer and as long as the annual holiday lasts.
Deviation from the main rule
Should you have summer courses, conferences or other work during the holiday period above that does not allow the holiday to be posted during that period, you need to communicate with the head of department and service planner and you apply yourself in Primula no later than April 22.
Should you not have included the entire annual holiday in the period of deviating holiday that you have registered for 22 April, the remaining vacation days will be placed within the holiday period according to the main rule. This is done by the payroll specialist because your work task plan is calculated on the basis that you take all your annual leave
Save vacation
In some cases, vacation can be saved by agreement with the head of department, in these cases you need written approval. For each day of annual leave saved, the period of service shall be increased by eight hours (for full-time workers, in the case of part-time in proportion to the extent). Keep in mind that you also need to communicate with your workforce planner that you are going to save vacation as this affects your work task plan. The option to save holidays only applies if you have taken at least 20 of the year's vacation days.
For written approval that you should save vacation, use a special form below that you send with your and the head of department's signature to your payroll specialist at the HR department no later than April 22. You can have a maximum of 30 saved vacation days.
Withdrawal of saved vacation
If you plan to take saved vacation during the year, you need to plan for it and communicate with your head of department. In the case of taking saved annual leave, the duty shall be reduced by eight hours for each day of holiday saved (for full-time workers, in the case of part-time in proportion to the extent). Remember to communicate with your workforce planner for adjustment in the work task plan.
When taking saved holidays, use a special form below that you send with your and the head of department's signature to your payroll specialist at the HR department no later than 22 April.
*The category of teachers includes professor, senior lecturer, lecturer (including guest and adjunct for these three categories), adjunct teacher, research assistant, assistant professor, postdoctoral researcher and senior professor.
For doctoral students, teaching assistants and research assistants, annual leave must be taken within the period of employment.
Holiday withdrawals for TA staff
Holidays must be planned well in advance and taking into account the needs of the business. Apply for vacation as early as possible so that it can be planned into the work and approved by your manager. It is your manager who decides when you can take your holiday in consultation with you. Your manager is responsible for taking annual leave, and if no agreement is reached, the employer decides how the holiday is to be posted. However, your wishes must be taken into account. In connection with the planning of the main holiday, any parental leave must also be reported and scheduled.
As a TA staff, you register your desired holiday in Primula after dialogue with your manager.
The number of vacation days you accrue does not differ between full-time and part-time workers. If you have a concentrated organisation of your working hours, your holiday will receive a quota calculation calculated on the basis of how many working days you work on average per week. If you have questions about quota calculation of the holiday, contact your payroll specialist.