
Your employer can grant you leave for different purposes. You are entitled to some leave, others are granted by the employer, if it can be done with regard to the business. The leaves to which you are entitled in certain circumstances are, for example, leave for studies, certain parental leave, leave for informal care and for urgent family reasons.

Leave must be planned in consultation between employees and managers. As an employee, you then apply for and register the leave in Primula and your manager decides on the leave. Do not forget to attach supporting documents and state reasons for supporting your application.

Paid leave

In some cases, you may be entitled to salary without deductions during the leave. Leave during part of the day is counted as a full day. Examples of when such leave can be given:

  • In the case of family matters within one's own family or the closest family circle
    You may take leave without salary deduction in the following cases: in the event of a more serious illness where your immediate presence is necessary, for example in the event of an accident of an acute nature (which could not have been foreseen or planned for), watch at deathbed, in the event of death, funeral, estate inventory or distribution of inheritance within your own family or immediate circle of relatives.

    Your own family and closest relatives include:
    - spouse, cohabiting partner and registered partner
    - children, grandchildren and stepchildren
    - parents, foster parents, in-laws and grandparents
    - siblings, half-siblings and bonus siblings

    Leave for funeral, estate inventory or distribution of inheritance also applies to:
    - uncle, aunt, uncle, aunt
    - nephew
    - son-in-law, daughter-in-law
    - brother-in-law, sister-in-law

    In the case of leave for estate inventory or distribution of inheritance, in addition to the relationship, you must also be a party to the estate.

    Consideration must be given to the time spent on the matter, however, the maximum time stated below:
    - More serious cases of illness/wakefulness at the end of life; 1 or maximum 2 days
    - The day of death; 1 day
    - First contact with the funeral home; 1 day
    - Burial; 1 day
    - Urn placement; 1 day
    - Distribution of inheritance; up to 1 day
    - Probate; up to 1 day
    - Travel time; Maximum 1 day/route for longer distances. If travel is possible on the weekend, no day is given before or after the weekend. Travel time must be accommodated in the total maximum 10 days.

    Leave for family matters without salary deduction is not intended for grief processing or for taking care of housing.

    Consideration must be given to the time spent on the matter and any travel that must be made during working hours. In practice, leave is granted one day for the matter and possibly one day for travel time for longer distances.

    The leave application submitted in Primula must contain information about the reason for the application and the relationship of the person concerned, as well as whether travel time has been necessary.

    If you are unsure about how you can take paid leave for family matters, contact your payroll specialist.

    If you need to take more days off, you can, if the business allows, be granted leave without pay, holiday or use of any accrued flexitime. Talk to your manager about what opportunities there may be.
  • In case of moving, 1 working day (in case of change of registered address)

  • In the case of union shop stewardship, no more than 10 working days/year

  • For examination or treatment by a doctor, occupational health care, outpatient care, maternity clinic and for blood donation
    Leave is granted on the condition that the doctor's visit (or equivalent) needs to be made during working hours. In some cases, you may need to talk to your manager if there are sufficient reasons to be off for visits during paid working hours. The basis is that you work before and/or after the doctor's visit (correspondingly). If you cannot go to work immediately after you have been to the doctor, because of how you feel, the absence does not refer to paid leave without sick leave. A part-time worker should primarily schedule his or her doctor's appointments in his or her spare time. An employee who, for example, is on half-time sick leave and is prescribed physiotherapy, does not need to go during working hours, but the visits should normally be able to be scheduled during the free time.

    Outpatient care refers to medical care when you are not hospitalised, such as X-ray examination or physiotherapy.
  • In case of emergency visits to the dentist or examination/treatment after a referral from the dentist

Unpaid leave

In some cases, you may have the opportunity to take leave without pay.

  • Fixed-term employment with another state employer
    If you have a permanent employment at Linnaeus University that has lasted for at least 12 months, you are entitled to take leave of absence from that employment, if you are offered another government fixed-term employment. However, this applies for a maximum of two years, and only applies to full-time leave. For part-time leave or for leave of absence to try other work that is not state-owned, you and your immediate manager must agree. Applications for leave of absence for other work are made in Primula. Attach employment contracts from the new job or equivalent.
  • Studies
    You are entitled to leave of absence from your employment for studies. In order to be allowed to take leave of absence for studies, you must have been employed six months before the leave of absence or at least twelve months during the last two years before the leave of absence. In order for the leave of absence to be granted, the studies must relate to knowledge dissemination that follows a course or study plan. Linnaeus University can postpone your leave of absence for a maximum of six months if there are special reasons for doing so. The application for leave of absence for studies is made in Primula and must be submitted as early as possible. Attach a letter of admission or equivalent.
  • Informal care
    You have the right to take leave of absence from your work if you need to care for a seriously ill relative. In these cases, it is the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that decides on the benefit of relatives and pays compensation for this. Before you take leave of absence from the university, you should contact the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to make sure that you are entitled to compensation. The employee is entitled to leave of absence for the period and to the extent that the allowance is received from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Read more on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's website.

    You apply for the leave in Primula. Attach the decision from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
  • Other leave
    There may be many other occasions where you also wish to be on leave and for these leave can be granted, but with a full salary deduction or that you take vacation, use your flex balance or are on compensatory leave.

    Examples of reasons for unpaid leave can be:
    - funeral of a close friend
    - managing the estate and emptying the home
    - relocation of a close relative
    - home visits to close relatives to adapt housing, medical team, etc.
    - accompanying at a relative's doctor's visit

    You apply for leave, and state the reason for leave, in Primula.

    For more information, please contact your manager/head of department or your HR partner at the HR Division.