Linnaeus Knowledge Environments

Addressing today’s societal challenges requires broad knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration. This is why Linnaeus University brings together prominent and innovative research, education, and collaboration in what we call knowledge environments.

Linnaeus University has established ten Linnaeus Knowledge Environments, which promote socially relevant and challenge-driven ideas and collaborations within and beyond the university. The purpose of our knowledge environments is both to disseminate knowledge to the wider society and to act as catalysts for innovative ideas and collaborations in research and education on specific societal challenges. Each knowledge environment brings together expertise and resources across disciplinary and faculty boundaries to address these societal challenges.

Our Linnaeus Knowledge Environments focus on challenges within the following areas: education, materials, water, digitalisation, environment, health, democracy, migration, tourism, and governance. Each Linnaeus Knowledge Environment connects teachers and researchers from different disciplines, departments, and faculties to take a multifaceted approach to the societal challenges specific to its field.

Linnaeus Knowledge Environments

Below, you can read more about each Linnaeus Knowledge Environment and find contact details for the manager of each environment: