The Swedish Higher Education Authority quality evaluation system

The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) and the higher education institutions have joint responsibility for the quality assurance of education and research at Swedish higher education institutions.

This is done through a review of the higher education institutions' quality-assurance work in education and research, thematic evaluations, a review of selected educations, including postgraduate education and examinations for degree permits.

UKÄ has also been commissioned by the government, together with the Swedish Research Council, to:

  • develop indicators for monitoring research policy objectives,
  • propose coordination of various authorities' follow-ups and evaluations of activities at universities and university colleges.

Based on the Higher Education Act, the Higher Education Ordinance and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in particular, a model for review has been developed. The reviews are based on peer reviews, where assessment groups are appointed. An assessment group consists of independent, external experts, student or doctoral student representatives, and working life representatives. At the centre of the reviews are a number of assessment areas with associated assessment criteria. The assessment areas for education and research are:

  • Governance and organisation
  • Preconditions
  • Design, implementation and outcomes
  • Student and doctoral student perspective (education only)
  • Working life (education only) and collaboration
  • Equality

For more information, see the corresponding page in Swedish, UKÄ utvärderar