Council for Education and Learning

The Council for Education and Learning is responsible for questions concerning the range of education and the quality of education.

Council mission 

The Council for Education and Learning shall, on behalf of the Vice-chancellor, coordinate the faculty - wide work and support the faculties' work with educational offerings and quality of education. The coordination includes coordinating faculty-wide processes and projects and preparing for vice-chancellor's decisions. The Council's mission includes all education at the undergraduate, advanced, and postgraduate levels. The council will also coordinate and develop the university's higher education pedagogical work.

The Council for Education and Learning has the following overarching tasks:

  • Renew, develop, prioritise, and profile educational offerings
  • Develop and run the higher education pedagogical work
  • Prepare control and quality documents in the field of education before the vice-chancellor's decision
  • Coordinate and develop the university's overall work with educational quality

The council can be contacted on

Composition and Members 

  • A Pro-vice-chancellor / Deputy vice-chancellor is chair
  • Two student representatives
  • One member from each faculty / Board of Teacher Education (appointed by the vice-chancellor after proposals from the faculties and should primarily be dean or pro-dean)


Niklas Ammert, FKH, chair

Stephan Reinhold, FEH

Kristiina Heikkilä, FHL

Anders Åberg, FKH

Marie Herdberg, FSV

Jörgen Forss, FTK

Linda Fälth, NLU

Simon Ivarsson, Linneaus Union

Natalie Svensson, Linneaus Union 


Constantly co-opted

Chair of the Doctoral Programmes Committee, Anna-Liisa Närvänen 

Section manager for Section for Higher Education, Linda Reneland-Forsman