map over euniwell

EUniWell – The European University for Well-Being

EUniWell (The European University for Well-Being) consists of eleven European universities that have entered into a strategic university-wide collaboration. Through collaboration within high-quality education and research, we want to contribute to an environment for the people of Europe and their global neighbours that creates opportunities for good education, social responsibility, health, inclusion, and diversity – all important factors to create well-being.

The eleven universities that are part of EUniWell are: 

In addition, there is a network consisting of associated partners, including the municipalities of the cities in question, and a number of academic institutions and organisations within education, culture and health, as well as companies, that support EUniWell’s vision.

Common vision

The higher education institutions are linked together through a common vision in which EUniWell will improve, measure, and rebalance the well-being of individuals, our own community, our environment and society as a whole on a regional, European and global level, based on our joint values där vi är democratic, inclusive, diverse, research and challenge-based, inter- and transdisciplinary, entrepreneurial and co-creational.

Focus areas

EUniWell’s focus areas are:

  • Health and Well-Being
  • Social Equality and Well-Being
  • Environmental Change and Well-being
  • Well-being in Teacher Future Generations
  • Culture, Multilingualism and Well-being

Ongoing work

EU funding

EUniWell is one of 41 university alliances that have been granted project support through Erasmus+ European Universities Initiative. The pilot project covers the period 1 November 2020–31 October 2023.

EUniWell has also received funds within Horizon2020. The Horizon project runs from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2024.

More information about what the European University is can be found here:

