Hans Thulesius installationsföreläser 2020

Events in the calendar at Lnu.se

Using this page, you enter information about upcoming events, either in a form or in a Word file. The information forms a basis to create a calendar event for the event at Lnu.se.

Would you like an upcoming event to be shown at Lnu.se? Calendar events at Lnu.se may be, for instance, seminars, open lectures, workshops, conferences or similar events.

Using a form, you can enter all the information needed for the web publisher at the faculty to make a calendar event for your event. This means that the event may be found when someone looks for it at Lnu.se, but also through a search engine such as Google.

  • Fill in the fields with information in Swedish. Be sure to enter as complete information as possible. 
  • Hover the mouse cursor over a field to see explanatory information.
  • Fill in the fields marked with [ENG] in English, if you want to create an English page for the event as well. An English page makes the event findable also by international searchers and visitors.

If you have any questions, please contact web publisher Sandra Hedberg.

The form is not available with English guiding texts. Instead, fill in the form at the Swedish page, with Swedish guiding texts.

You can also download a Word file in English to your computer, enter the information there and e-mail it to sandra.hedberg@lnu.se.