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Sustainable development at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The work with sustainability at Linnaeus University includes aspects such as the environment, the climate, equality, equal opportunities, work environment and internationalisation. On these pages you will find information about the faculty’s work with sustainable development.

Sustainable development at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The faculty’s work with sustainable development includes the environment, the climate, equality, equal opportunities, work environment, collaboration, and internationalisation. On the basis of these aspects, we have defined five areas: work environment, sustainability, internationalisation, equal opportunities and collaboration.

Work environment

Work environment concerns working conditions for all staff and students. The design of our work environment is regulated in the Work Environment Act and the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s regulations. Linnaeus University’s work environment policy serves as the basis for how we should work with our work environment. You can find more information about the work environment on the central staff page Work environment and health.


Sustainability work at the faculty is far-reaching and includes work both within and outside the faculty. Sustainability issues are integrated in our work at several different levels – in our first-and second-cycle courses and programmes, in our research, and in our third stream activities. For more information about our work with sustainability as well as contact persons, please see the staff page Sustainable Development.


An important aspect of our work with sustainable development is internationalisation; we need to collaborate with universities and people in other parts of the world in order to ensure the best possible potential for success. For more information and contact persons, please see the staff page International.

Equal opportunities

The faculty works towards sustainable development by facilitating all students’ and staff’s equal rights and opportunities. The concept of equal opportunities includes equality, diversity, accessibility and equal treatment. For more information, please see the central staff page Equality of opportunity.


The Faculty of Arts and Humanities acknowledges the importance of third stream activities as a means of truly setting knowledge in motion for sustainable societal development. At our faculty, we collaborate primarily with the public sector and authorities, but also with organisations such as non-profit organisations and aid agencies. For more information, please see the staff page Collaboration FKH.