Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Technology

At the Faculty of Technology, research training is offered in nine subjects: building technology, computer and information science, energy and enviromental technology, forestry industry production systems, mechanical engineering, mathematics, mathematics education, maritime science and physics. In all, we have about 90 doctoral students.

Are you a doctoral student or working within the third-cycle education at our faculty? This page is intended as a guide, with useful guidelines, procedures and forms available.

Below, please find all available English versions of documents. If a document title is in Swedish, there is no English version.

Contacts, doctoral studies

E-mail address


External funding

Grants and Innovation Office can help researchers to apply for external financing. They update their page with new calls for proposals in Sweden and abroad.

Manage results in Ladok

Milena Rusic, manages results for BY, BET, SOT, MT, MA
Ewa Püschl, manages results for DM, SJÖ, IK, FY

E-mail address