- Organisation
- Faculty of Technology
- For employees at the Faculty of Technology
For employees at the Faculty of Technology
Bellow you find information about routines concerning your roll as an employee at the Faculty of Technology.
Information which is of a more general nature, and which concerns all employees, such as events, salary information, the university archive, postal services, course evaluations and much more, can be found on the Staff pages Employed at Linnaeus University and Support and Service.
New on the job?
Welcome to your institution/office and to the Faculty of Technology!
The respective manager (or another person designated by the manager) will introduce you as a newly hired employee at the faculty. There is also a lot of information available on the university’s central employee page for newly employed.
In addition to your closest colleagues, you can meet other faculty members in our common break rooms. Typically, colleagues take a break sometime between 9:30-10:30 in the morning and 14:30-15:30 in the afternoon.
Every month, the dean of the faculty sends out a newsletter with information related to the faculty’s activities. The newsletter is published in the faculty’s employee group.
Furthermore, the dean invites everyone to a monthly Zoom information meeting called “Dean Meets.” All faculty employees receive invitations via email, and the information is also posted in the FTK employee group, as mentioned above.
Decisions made within the faculty follow the delegation order. The dean’s decision meetings take place every other week (on Mondays). Particularly important decisions are published in the faculty’s employee group.
To be an official in the state
Linnaeus University is a state authority, and all employees at the university are civil servants.
Working for the state means working in the service of the citizens. As a state employee, you have both rights and responsibilities, as well as specific benefits.
Working for the state also means that we carry out activities in accordance with the laws and regulations decided upon by the Swedish government and parliament. Those who work in a government agency should be aware that the citizens of Sweden, through the parliament and government, are the principals, and the operations are funded by tax revenue.
Web-based Training
As an employee at the Faculty of Technology, you should complete the web-based training titled “Our mission – my role as a civil servant at universities and colleges.” Choose “other institution” on the homepage and log in to Linnaeus University.
Additionally, the National Financial Management Authority (Statskontoret) has developed an introductory training program for state employees. The training provides fundamental knowledge about what is common to everyone working in government administration. Your role in the state - shared rules.
Core Values for All Civil Servants
There is a common set of core values for the entire public sector, based on laws and regulations. The shared core values for civil servants are built upon six principles:
- Democracy: All public power originates from the people.
- Legality: Public authority is exercised within the bounds of the law.
- Objectivity, Impartiality, and Equal Treatment: Everyone is equal before the law. Authorities and courts should treat everyone equally.
- Freedom of Expression: The Swedish system of government is founded on freedom of expression.
- Respect: Public authority should be exercised with respect for people’s freedom and equal worth.
- Efficiency and Service: Operations should be conducted as cost-effectively and with as high a quality as possible, given the available resources.
The Principle of Public Acces
The principle of public access is central to the Swedish legal system. This means that the general public and the media have the right to access public documents, with exceptions for classified information.
A public document refers to any document, whether printed or electronic, that is stored within an authority and has either been received from external sources or created within the authority itself. A document is considered public if it has been created by, sent out from, or received by the authority. The document must be stored within the authority. A public document can take the form of text, images, audio recordings, videos, or other information, such as data stored on a computer. The general rule is that public documents are accessible to everyone, and anyone should be able to access them.
When requesting a public document, the person making the request does not need to provide their name or specify the purpose of the document. Furthermore, the document should be promptly provided.
Ensuring Legal Security in Government Agencies
Legal security is fundamental to all state operations. Citizens must be able to trust that decisions made by government agencies are based on applicable laws. They must also be confident that everyone is treated equally under the law and that agencies conduct their assessments and decisions with objectivity and impartiality.
As part of this commitment, you are obligated to adhere to rules regarding conflicts of interest, secondary employment, and public procurement.
Rules Regarding Conflicts of Interest
Rules regarding conflicts of interest ensure that the handling of matters within an agency is characterized by objectivity and fairness. You, as a case handler, are considered conflicted if the matter directly involves you or a close associate.
Another example of when you might be conflicted is if the outcome of the case could significantly benefit or harm you or someone closely related to you. There are additional situations where you may be considered conflicted. For more information, you can refer to the Employee Page - Rules on Conflicts of Interest.
Secondary Employment (Bisysslor)
As a government agency, it is crucial to maintain objectivity in relation to citizens. Therefore, state employees are not allowed to engage in secondary employment that could undermine trust in impartiality or harm the agency’s reputation. Additionally, secondary employment that obstructs work or competes with the primary job is also prohibited. All employees are required to report annually whether they have any secondary employment. This report should be submitted by January 10 each year through the payroll system, Primula. Secondary employment
Procurement - Public Procurement Act
Purchasing goods and services should be done in a lawful, business-like, and efficient manner. You can make purchases by either calling off from an existing agreement or placing an order based on an established contract. If there is no existing agreement for what you need, you should conduct a procurement process. For more details, refer to the expandable section on Procurement.
Stay updated
Staff, the university’s intranet, is the main communication channel, and it’s essential to access the information that gets published. There are excellent opportunities to personalize the content you see once you’ve logged in to Staff. For instance, you can choose to display the groups you’re part of, create your shortcuts, and more. To access all content, log in using your personnel account. Consider setting Staff as the start page for your web browser.
FTK has an staff group called Teknik FTK, where newsletters, meeting minutes from the faculty’s central bodies, and other relevant information are continuously posted. Join the employee group to stay updated!
Every month, the Dean publishes a newsletter on Teknik FTK, with information about the faculty’s activities. The monthly letter is available in the faculty’s employee group.
A few times per semester, Dean meetings are held, where the Dean provides updates on the faculty’s activities and answers questions. These meetings take place both digitally and in person
Employment, Salary, and Conditions
Information about rules, procedures, and rights for university employees can be found on the Employee page at Lnu.
If you have any questions related to your employment, you can contact an HR partner (Human Resources). You’ll find contact details on the HR Partners page.
Safety and Fire Protection
Safety and Fire Protection
The university has a fire safety plan that specifies responsibilities in case of a fire. Your supervisor is responsible for informing you about the designated assembly point during evacuations. You can find more information on the Employee page for Fire Safety at FTK.
As a teacher or exam invigilator, you also play a crucial role during evacuations. You should take the initiative and guide your group to the designated assembly area. The same applies to those responsible for temporary visitors.
Work Environment and Health
The responsibility for the work environment lies with each manager. Within the faculty, safety representatives are Anna Glarner and Magnus Boström.
For more information about work environment, wellness, computer screen glasses, and more, visit the Employee page for Work Environment and Health.
You can find information about trade unions active at Linné University on the external page for Trade Union Activities.
Equal opportunities, Harassment and Discrimination
You can find comprehensive information about the university’s work on Equal Opportunities and combating discrimination, as well as how to make a report, on the Employee page for Equal Opportunities.
Additionally, there is staff at the office who work on equal opportunities; you can find more information here.
If you need to purchase books and other materials it's important to buy from suppliers which are part of the universities agreements for purchases. You can find an overview of which suppliers we have agreements with on the page Agreement.
Other routines regarding purchases can be found on the Procurement procedures page.
The university has a contract with a travel agency. All travels need to be booked in compliance with the universities travel policy. On the page To book a trip you can read more about policies, how to book, train travels between Växjö and Kalmar and much more.
e-Learning Support
The Faculty's ICT learning developers can assist you with developing teaching methods and other pedagogical support. You can find informationa and contact information on the e-Learning Support page on Staff.
The faculty has its own IT-support for matters connected to faculty specific IT needs and services.
There also is a central IT-support.
If you are in need of a new computer or other techincal equipment you need to reach out to your nearest manager.
Employees can order printed matter, such as prints, magnifications, prints of teaching material etc. You can read more, and find contact informaiton, on Copycenter's page on Staff.
Web group and Communications Office
Web group
The faculty has its own web group which can assist with updating the faculty's webpages. You can reach the web group through e-mail.
If you want to get help with publishing a calendar event on Lnu.se please fill out the following form.
Communications office
The central communications office supports the university with both internal and external communication. You can read more about the communications office on their page on Staff.
Student recruitment and student communication
The planning and prioritizing of student recruitment and communication take place in collaboration between faculty’s undergraduate education organization and the Communications Office.
Course and programme coordinators are responsible for keeping their course and programme pages on Lnu.se up to date.
For continous updates regarding student recruitment feel free to follow the Student Recruitment group on Staff.
If you have questions regarding student recruitment you can reach out to the faculty's undergraduate education organization through e-mail.
Research communication
Information about rountines at the faculty regarding research communication can be found on the following Staff page.
The University Store
If you are in need of office supplies, such as note books and pens, there is a supplies store in both Växjö and Kalmar. You find the supplies store in the H-building i Växjö, and house Stella in Kalmar.
If you are representing or organizing a conference, there are guidelines and rules to consider.
In the guidelines for representation, you can find information about:
- Monetary limits for representation, gifts, and benefits
- Important considerations for conferences
- Rules regarding work-related meals
- Expenses related to business travel
- Student representation
- Regulations for gifts and acknowledgments
More information can be found on the Staff page about representation.
If you have additional questions you can contact your departments financial manager.
Document templates
The university has several established templates for documents, such as letters, minutes, thesis' to name a few. You find all available templates on the Staff page for Templates.
Groups on Staff
On Staff you can find a variety of groups which can be benifical to your work. As an employee at the Facutly of Technology you are automatically added to two groups, Linnaeus Univeristy and Teknik, FTK.
You can add groups on Staff by going to "My settings" in the right collumn and select groups from either "Open groups" or "Hidden groups".