e-Learning support
We Birgitta, Brian, Pia and Nina (leave of absence) works as Educational developer, please ask us for help or advise with course design.
We help you, for instance with:
- Design your course in Moodle
- Supports, develops and encourages the renewal of teaching methods and the use of new technology.
- ABC-method for Moodle Academy - We can introduce the ABC method to you and your teaching team
- Make a video into LnuPlay
- E-meeting with Zoom
- Respondent Tool: Mentimeter or Wooclap
- AI: ChatGPT, Copilot mm
- Studio in building M and Magna
Ordering course room in Moodle
Smarter collaboration - for staff and students
Contact us: ftk.ikt@lnu.se
Enjoy our staff group Teknik, FTK - IKT, here we publish news, advice and workshop.
- Pia Palm Educational developer
- +46 470-76 74 67
- +46 70-329 87 12
- piapalmlnuse
- Birgitta Gillsjö ICT educational developer
- +46 470-70 87 71
- +46 70-643 77 15
- birgittagillsjolnuse
- Brian Kottonya ICT educational developer
- +46 470-70 86 10
- +46 76-791 86 10
- briankottonyalnuse
- Nina Albrecht Project Coordinator
- +46 470-70 81 49
- +46 73-698 74 57
- ninaalbrechtlnuse