- Organisation
- Faculty of Technology
- For those who work with education
- ICT-support
- Moodle - Tips and advises
Advice for design and administering a course
Open online course for students
1. Click Edit Settings on your online course.
2. The setting for visibility is found on the upper side of the site.
3. Click Show.
4. Scroll down and click Save changes.
Your course room is connected to Ladok. To see the connections go to:
User->Enrolment methods->Ladok enrolments.
- To hide or show activities for participants of the course, enable editing and click on the eye-symbol. Hidden activities or sections are greyed out.
- To change the name of a section, enable editing then click on the pensil-symbol just to the right of the title. Write the new name and press enter.
- To add a new section, or remove an old one, enable editing then click on plus/minus below the lowest section.
- To move a section, enable editing and drag the double arrows to desired place.
- Good and adequate quality of uploaded pictures should not be broader than 400 pixels.
Help and Resources
In Moodle:
Guides - Blue button in the left corner
Help and resources in the header
Serviceportalen.lnu.se: Moodle guides
Use your ICT Educational Developer for help or support
If you require assistance with course setup, pondering over a function, or would like to improve your online course, do not hesitate to contact any of your
ICT Educaional Developer:
Birgitta Gillsjö, Brian Kottonya and Pia Palm.