Reporting grades, Faculty of Technology
Grades for examinations are reported in Ladok. Thiss page collects information and routines for reporting of grades.
Reporting examination result in Ladok
In accordance to the decision made by the dean (Dnr: 2017/6000-1.1), the Course Coordinator is required to report results in Ladok and is responsible for ensuring that the grades are properly attested by the correct examiner. When reporting grades in Ladok, it is important that the correct date is listed for the performance. The date on which the student performed, i.e. submitted an assignment, wrote an exam, completed an assignment, or performed a task on a grade-giving occasion, is the date that should be entered in Ladok.
The correct date is important if the student is receiving study grants (CSN), unemployment or sickness benefits. The correct date is also important when UKÄ (The Swedish Higher Education Authority) evaluates the university.
Note! If your course only has one graded component but is still not marked as completed for the student, it is because your course has not been revised since we entered the new Ladok system and a bug remains in these courses. In this case, you need to report a final grade in order for the course to be completed.
Reporting results for bachelor or master thesis
Teachers do not report grades for bachelor or master thesis' in Ladok. These grades are reported by education administrators, who willll make sure that the title of the thesis in Ladok is corresponding to the thesis' actual title. Grades for thesis' are reported in Ladok no later than 15 workdays after the student has handed in their thesis to the examiner, independently of if the thesis has been uploaded to DiVA or not. The examination date in Ladok is the date when the student has handed in their thesis.
Grades for potential other modules in the thesis course are reported by the course coordinator.
Timeframe for reporting examination result
The time frame for notifying students of their results on an examination are regulated in the Local regulations for courses and examination at the first- and second-cycle levels, section 5. The following is an excerpt from the section 5.2.
Unless there are special reasons to the contrary, examinations should be
assessed and results should be communicated to the students no later than
15 working days after the examination session. Notification is done by
documenting the results in the university’s education administration system. -
Students should receive feedback on completed examination assignments in
connection with each examination session. This applies regardless of the form
of examination and may involve different types of feedback, based on the
examination process.
The timeframe for reporting at the end of the year has financial significance for the department. The year on Ladok is set to the middle of January in order to calculate student activity during the year. Student activities provides the base for allocation of university funds and delayed results will not be included and as such affects the funds the institution receives.
Governing documents
Correction of examination result
As long as the reported grade is not certified on Ladok, it can be corrected under Drafts or Marked as ready (a correction in Marked as ready can only be done by the examiner, however the administrator can help by preparing a removal of the grade). If an error occurs on a certified grade, the examiner needs to delete the wrong grade on Ladok and enter the correct grade again. An improvement can be done without notifying the student but if the correction is to a lower grade, it is recommended to request a written approval from the student. Only the examiner has access to delete or change a Ladok result.
Credit transfer
The opportunity of having credits transferred is an important element to support lifelong learning and increase the domestic and international mobility. Linnaeus University should have a generous approach to assessing applications for credit transfers.
More information about credit transfer
The faculty has a routine for credit transfers for exchange studies during programme studies. The program coordinator is the decision maker regarding if credit transfers from exchange studies are in line with the programmes objectives.
Routine document for credit transfers for exchange studies Faculty of Technology (Swedish)