
Here you will find information about the four different sections at the Office of Facilities Management and Services and their respective areas of responsibility. More information about our services can be found under Support and service (see link below) or by typing your search in the search bar above.

Service Center

Areas of responsibility:

Switchboard system, phone administration, Infocenter, store and Copycenter, sales of office material, Linnémöten, room booking and written exam planning


Facilities planning

Areas of responsibility:
Security, keys/swipe cards, facilities projects, internal rent, accessibility, physical work environment, fire and evacuation, signage, art


Facilities keeping

Areas of responsibility:

Facilities keeping (basic level), additional services in, for instance, staff rooms.


Janitorial/post service

Areas of responsibility:
Internal post, common janitorial service (basic level), certain additional services, waste management.