The Research Council

The Research Council is tasked with the initiation and consideration of university-wide strategic matters that contribute to the development of the university's research. This includes, in particular:

  • preparing overarching matters concerning research funding and the allocation of funds for research
  • initiating initiatives aimed at quality assurance, quality development, and evaluation of research.

The Council does not have its own decision-making authority; rather, all decisions are made in accordance with the university's rules of procedure and scheme of delegation.

The work is planned and forms part of the university's operational planning process.

The Research Council usualy meets about three times a year or as necessary.

The Council can be contacted via

The Research Council is composed as follows:

  • the vice-chancellor (chair)
  • the pro vice-chancellor
  • the deans
  • the deputy vice-chancellors
  • the university director
  • two student representatives (appointed in accordance with the Ordinance on Students’ Unions (2009:769)).

The adviser to the vice-chancellor on research assessment, the head of communication, and the head of planning are permanently co-opted to the council’s meetings. The council may also temporarily co-opt other individuals as needed.

For relevant documents, see the Swedish page.