- Organisation
- School of Business and Economics
- Organisation
- Faculty Office
Faculty Office at the School of Business and Economics
The Faculty Office is the administrative support for the School of Business and Economics.
Please contact us via email ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se or directly to whom it may concern.
Administrative Director
We support managerial positions, teachers and researchers in financial matters.
- The controller is the function coordinator and works across the faculty. The controller also manages financial supporting documents for the faculty board.
- The financial managers work with service planning, budgets, follow-ups, prognoses, final accounts and project calculations/accounting for external projects. Berit Lindh is contact person for the NS department, and Ellinor Tagesson is contact person for the MAN/MTS departments.
- Tina Iveslätt at the Finance Office manages the faculty's supplier invoices..
- Travel expenses and other expenses, as well as Primula matters, are handled by Malin Göransson at the HR department.
Who works with what is stated in the staff profiles.
Faculty management support
The faculty support has the task of providing administrative support to the faculty management and the faculty board. The tasks include, among other things, being preparation and secretarial functions for the faculty's decision-making and preparation bodies.
The duties include, among other things:
- meeting item administration and presentation
- operational and process planning
- investigation and referral handling
- quality assurance
- collaboration with the surrounding society
- strategies
- support to the dean
To see which of us is working with which areas, see our respecive web pages.
Faculty management support
- Anneli Andersson Operational manager
- +46 480-44 61 20
- +46 70-534 61 69
- annelianderssonlnuse
- Catarina Gaunitz Faculty secretary
- +46 470-70 84 24
- +46 70-247 26 24
- catarinagaunitzlnuse
- Diana Axelsson Olsson Faculty Coordinator/Deputy Administrative director
- +46 480-49 71 03
- +46 73-317 71 03
- dianaaxelsson-olssonlnuse
- Daiva Balciunaite Håkansson Faculty administrator
- +46 480-49 71 26
- daivabalciunaitelnuse
- Emmelie Hedin Ekholm Faculty coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 28
- emmeliehedinekholmlnuse
- Helene Erlandsson Faculty administrator
- +46 470-70 85 65
- heleneerlandssonlnuse
- Ivana Tomic-Kokic Faculty administrator
- +46 470-76 75 53
- +46 70-384 63 07
- ivanatomic-kokiclnuse
- Lars Brohlén Faculty coordinator
- +46 470-70 82 88
- +46 70-230 56 93
- larsbrohlenlnuse
Research and research education
To see which of us is working with which areas, see our respecive web pages.
Presentation of administrative support for research and research education
ICT support
ICT Pedagogy primarily work with ICT pedagogical issues and ICT development:
- User support to teachers
- MyMoodle
- Education environment
- Video conference/ E-meeting and equipment available for loan
- Media production
- Webb, Information, Support and ICT-development
- Digital exams, quizzes, and various types of teaching moments
- Project management
- BusinessLab
Presentation of the ICT support at the School of Business and Economics
We coordinate, administer, and work with quality assurance in various aspects with regard to internationalisation of the educational programmes at the faculty. Thus, we support faculty members in different internationalisation matters. In addition to this, we are also members in universitywide networks of relevance to internationalisation:
- iTeam, for exchange studies related matters
- Partnerships and Networks, for international collaboration related matters
- International student recruitment
Among other things, we are involved in the following:
- International student recruitment and incoming student onboarding
- International partnerships and collaboration agreements
- Exchange studies
- Study abroad advising
- Learning agreements/Study plans
- Credit transfer for exchange studies
- Minor Field Studies programme support
- International projects support
Presentation of the Internationalisation Team at the School of Business and Economics
In order to see who works with what, please see the respective employee profiles.
- Daiva Balciunaite Håkansson Faculty administrator
- +46 480-49 71 26
- daivabalciunaitelnuse
- Maria Barath International relations coordinator
- +46 470-70 87 08
- mariabarathlnuse
- Victor Bohman International relations coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 54
- victorbohmanlnuse
- Sanna Halvadzic Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 19
- sannahalvadziclnuse
- Terese Nilsson Education administrator
- +46 480-49 71 51
- teresenilssonlnuse
- Teresa Pauditz International relations coordinator
- +46 480-44 67 70
- teresapauditzlnuse
Study and career guidance
We offer professional consultation and career support in order to motivate and inspire students to formulate and achieve their goals. This may concern:
- educational options and alternatives
- study situation and individual study planning
- what courses/programmes may lead to – career planning
- building one’s own degree
- credit transfer and issues to do with qualification/entry requirements
- approved leave from studies
Education administration
We perform education administrative processes with the same quality and level of service at all departments. We provide administrative support for staff and students as regards many of the university’s different systems. This includes, among many other things:
- administration of courses and studies in Ladok and NyA-webben
- registration and admission
- administration of examinations
- publication of degree projects in DiVa
- administration of syllabi
- discontiuation of courses and programmes
- course evaluations
If you or one of your students wishes to contact us, please send an e-mail to ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se or contact one of us personally.
Presentation of the education administration at the School of Business and Economics.
Education administration
- Anette Bertilsson Education planner
- +46 480-49 71 04
- anettebertilssonlnuse
- Angelica Wendt Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 83
- angelicawendtlnuse
- Anna Wahlstam Education administrator
- +46 480-49 71 06
- +46 72-594 96 80
- annawahlstamlnuse
- Anneli Andersson Operational manager
- +46 480-44 61 20
- +46 70-534 61 69
- annelianderssonlnuse
- Clara Hovdegård Eriksson Education administrator
- clarahovdegarderikssonlnuse
- Lollo Leijner Education administrator
- +46 470-70 83 94
- lolloleijnerlnuse
- Emmelie Hedin Ekholm Faculty coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 28
- emmeliehedinekholmlnuse
- Frida Sjökvist Education administrator/DEPUTY ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR
- +46 470-70 82 55
- +46 72-454 52 84
- fridasjokvistlnuse
- Linda Stark Education administrator
- +46 470-70 83 77
- lindastarklnuse
- Mattias Sigvardsson Education Coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 05
- mattiassigvardssonlnuse
- Sanna Halvadzic Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 19
- sannahalvadziclnuse
- Terese Nilsson Education administrator
- +46 480-49 71 51
- teresenilssonlnuse
The faculty's communication support includes:
- internal communication,
- web publishing,
- contact with the School of Business and Economics' student associations,
- student recruitment,
- coordination of faculty meetings,
among many other things.
Staff A-Z
Faculty office staff
- +46 480-44 67 50
- achimlanglnuse
- Anette Bertilsson Education planner
- +46 480-49 71 04
- anettebertilssonlnuse
- Angelica Önder Student and career counsellor
- +46 470-70 81 91
- angelicaonderlnuse
- Angelica Wendt Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 83
- angelicawendtlnuse
- Anneli Andersson Operational manager
- +46 480-44 61 20
- +46 70-534 61 69
- annelianderssonlnuse
- Berit Lindh Financial manager
- beritlindhlnuse
- Catarina Gaunitz Faculty secretary
- +46 470-70 84 24
- +46 70-247 26 24
- catarinagaunitzlnuse
- Christoph Tiedtke Project manager
- +46 480-49 71 58
- +46 70-866 69 24
- christophtiedtkelnuse
- Clara Hovdegård Eriksson Education administrator
- clarahovdegarderikssonlnuse
- Daiva Balciunaite Håkansson Faculty administrator
- +46 480-49 71 26
- daivabalciunaitelnuse
- Diana Axelsson Olsson Faculty Coordinator/Deputy Administrative director
- +46 480-49 71 03
- +46 73-317 71 03
- dianaaxelsson-olssonlnuse
- Ellinor Tagesson Financial manager
- +46 480-44 67 72
- +46 70-278 59 60
- ellinortagessonlnuse
- Emmelie Hedin Ekholm Faculty coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 28
- emmeliehedinekholmlnuse
- Frida Sjökvist Education administrator/DEPUTY ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR
- +46 470-70 82 55
- +46 72-454 52 84
- fridasjokvistlnuse
- Helena Mallin Faculty Coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 09
- +46 70-869 71 09
- helenamallinlnuse
- Helene Erlandsson Faculty administrator
- +46 470-70 85 65
- heleneerlandssonlnuse
- Ivana Stanic Student and career counsellor
- +46 480-49 70 10
- ivanastaniclnuse
- Ivana Tomic-Kokic Faculty administrator
- +46 470-76 75 53
- +46 70-384 63 07
- ivanatomic-kokiclnuse
- Jessika Stomberg Controller
- +46 480-49 76 19
- jessikastomberglnuse
- Lali Lindell Project manager
- +46 470-76 72 38
- +46 70-245 18 87
- lalilindelllnuse
- Lars Brohlén Faculty coordinator
- +46 470-70 82 88
- +46 70-230 56 93
- larsbrohlenlnuse
- Linda Stark Education administrator
- +46 470-70 83 77
- lindastarklnuse
- Lollo Leijner Education administrator
- +46 470-70 83 94
- lolloleijnerlnuse
- Malin Madestam Faculty administrator
- +46 480-49 71 30
- malinmadestamlnuse
- Maria Barath International relations coordinator
- +46 470-70 87 08
- mariabarathlnuse
- Mattias Sigvardsson Education Coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 05
- mattiassigvardssonlnuse
- +46 470-70 86 81
- mirjasjogrenlnuse
- Moa Högstedt Education administrator
- +46 480-49 70 49
- moahogstedtlnuse
- Paula Rudenius Financial manager
- +46 470-70 87 77
- paularudeniuslnuse
- Sanna Halvadzic Education administrator
- +46 470-70 85 19
- sannahalvadziclnuse
- Teresa Pauditz International relations coordinator
- +46 480-44 67 70
- teresapauditzlnuse
- Terese Nilsson Education administrator
- +46 480-49 71 51
- teresenilssonlnuse
- Victor Bohman International relations coordinator
- +46 480-49 71 54
- victorbohmanlnuse