- Organisation
- School of Business and Economics
- Organisation
- Steering documents
Governing documents at the School of Business and Economics
Here you will find a selection of our governing documents. More documents are available on the Swedish version of this page.
Here you will find a selection of our joint university local governing documents sorted by subject.
Below are the governing documents for the operation of the School of Business And Economics
Decision-making procedure and delegation of authority
Organisational planning and strategies
- School of Business and Economics Operational plan and budget 2022-2025
- School of Business and Economics' Educational Strategy 2025-2028, only in Swedish
- School of Business and Economics' Educational action plan 2024-2026, only in Swedish
- School of Business and Economics Research Strategy 2025.pdf
- Mission Statement (document available on the Accreditation page)
- Allokering av anslagsmedel för utbildning på grund och avancerad nivå samt fristående kurs, riktlinjer (no translaition available)
Description of assignments
- Course Committee, KUS, assignment ENG
- Course coordinator, task description
- Education Council at the School of Business and Economics, assigment (only in Swedish)
- Examiner, task description
- Rekryterings- och kompetensråd (RK-råd), uppdrag sbeskrivning (no translation available)
- Procedures for appointment of affiliate researcher, affiliate professor, or professor emerita/us
- Programme director, assignment ENG
- Uppdrag som vicedekan för livslångt lärande (only in Swedish)
- Uppdrag som vicedekan för utbildning på grund- och avancerad nivå (only in Swedish)
- Uppdragsbeskrivning pedagogisk utvecklare, Ekonomihögskolan (only in Swedish)
Quality work
- Code of Conduct
- Course evaluation procedure at the School of Business and Economics, process description
- Course evaluation, reflective report of the course performance, student course evaluations and observations from the teachers’ team, template
- List of preparatory and decision-making bodies, basis for student representation 2023/2024 (Only in Swedish)
- Quality assurance process for education, within the AoL framework (Quality assurance process, QuAPE)
- Analysis report, QuAPE, new from FALL 2024
- Routine for programme council at the School of Business and Economics ENG
- Student representation, reporting need and recruitment
- Template for minutes, programme council at the School of Business and Economics ENG
First and second cycle education
- Conditions and applying for exemption from eligibility conditions including application
- Course Syllabus, administrative routine
- Cover page course syllabus.pdf
- Course Syllabus, template for new
- Guidelines and rules for grading and reporting at the School of Business and Economics
- Guidelines independent projects (thesis) Business Administration for bachelor and master level
- Degree project, business administration suggestion for seminar series (no translation available)
- Degree projects, business administration, suggestion for grading criteria (no translation available)
- Degree projects in economics at the School of Business and Economics, guidelines and rules
- Discontinuation of courses, degree programmes and/or degree-awarding powers in a main field of study, process description
- Examiner, appointment and replacement of examiner
- Programme syllabus, Process for new and revised programmes and cancellation of programmes at the School of Business and Economics
- Cover page Programme syllabus from HT24
- Robustness in course documentation at the School of Business and Economics, process description
- Tillgodoräkning av utbytesstudier, rutin för (only in Swedish)
Third cycle education (doctoral studies)