- For Researchers
- For Doctoral Students
For Doctoral Students
Here you will find information about your doctoral education, employment, courses, research support, and how to prepare for your dissertation and degree.
More detailed information about the doctoral programme can be found on the faculties' pages.
Staff groups
There are both open and hidden groups on Linnaeus University's internal web Staff, that can be of interest to you as a doctoral student. Here you can see which groups are on Staff.
Linnaeus University offers support for doctoral students and researchers throughout the research process. Under the pages For researchers , the support given by the university's various departments is gathered under a common entrance.
Documents for you as a doctoral student
Local rules and documents
Newly admitted students
Welcome to Linnaeus University
As a newly admitted doctoral student, there is a lot to understand. Your faculty is responsible for introducing you to your studies and providing you with the information you need for your studies.
Support during your studies
As a doctoral student, you have access to the support aimed at students at Linnaeus University at all levels.
On the external website Support and service for students you will find information about services, support and aids that may be useful during your studies. Here you will find information about student health, about your rights and obligations and about Linnaeus University's work against discrimination, harassment and violations.
As a doctoral student, you are often also employed at Linnaeus University and then have access to services, support and aids as employees on the page Employed at Lnu. If you are employed by someone other than Linnaeus University, you can also turn to your employer for support and help.
Pages for doctoral projects on Lnu.se
In order for others to find information about your research, there needs to be a page for your doctoral project on Lnu.se. The target group for the page is, among other things, researchers, financiers, partners, journalists, organizations and industry.
Read more about how to get help creating a page on Lnu.se.
For those of you who are newly hired
As a new employee, there is a lot of information to take part of about your new workplace.
Here you will find collected information about your employment.
Each semester, a joint introductory day is organized, once in Swedish and once in English. You will then meet representatives from the university management and get a review of various aspects of the work at Linnaeus University.
University-wide introductory activities.
Mobility and scholarships
Mobility of doctoral students
As a doctoral student, you have many opportunities to gain international experience during your doctoral studies. You are counted as both a student and a member of staff and can therefore apply for funding aimed at both of these groups.
Read more about international experience during doctoral studies on the page Mobility for doctoral students.
As a doctoral student and employee, there are several opportunities to apply for external and internal scholarships.
Research support
During the course of the project
During the implementation of your research project, the University offers support in areas such as information retrieval, reference management, research data management. Read more on the page During the the research project.
Information about publishing openly available (open access) and costs for this, registering research publications in DiVA, research innovation, publishing on the university's publisher Linnaeus University Press and managing research data can be found on the page Publish, Utilize and Make Your Research Visible.
Good research practice
As an employee at Linnaeus University, you are responsible for following good research practice. Good research practice refers to the ethical practices that form the basis of the research activities and which are based on principles of reliability, honesty, respect and responsibility, which jointly ensure the integrity of research. The common principles are outlined in the European Code for the Integrity of Research published by All European Academies, ALLEA. More information about good research practice can also be found in the Swedish Research Council's publication "Good research practice".
Council for Good Research Practice
At Linnaeus University, the Vice-Chancellor has established a council for good research practice. On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, the Council deals with suspicions of deviations from good research practice. information and contact details of the Good Research Practice Council
Ethics Committee Southeast
If you have questions about the research ethical aspects of your work, you are welcome to contact the Ethics Committee Southeast. They can assist with advisory ethical review of the project regarding relationship and information to research subjects, as well as handling, collection, processing, publishing and archiving of data.
Information and contact information for the Ethics Committee Southeast.
Research communication
Part of your mission as a Doctoral Student is to communicate your research outside the scientific community.
The Communications Department offers, among other things:
- Help with writing and publishing news and press releases about your research.
- Lectures on research communication from various aspects, as well as press and media advice.
- Production of films about your research results.
- Guidance on how you can use social media, podcasts, etc. to spread your research.
Doctoral student influence
As a doctoral student, you have the opportunity to influence your education in different ways. For example, you can be a doctoral student representative in preparatory and decision-making bodies within the university, but you can also influence by answering course evaluations and the doctoral student barometer that is sent out every three years.
Public defence, diploma and doctoral award ceremony
There is a lot to think about before a public defence. Starting to plan for the public defence in the best possible time usually makes it easier. Read more about public defence, diplomas and promotion here.
The doctoral education is divided into two parts – one part of the course and one thesis part. The courses included in the programme can be aimed at several doctoral students in the subject or be individual reading courses designed to suit the subject you are studying and the research project you are working on. There are also courses aimed at doctoral students in several subjects, and university-wide courses aimed at everyone studying at doctoral level at Linnaeus University.
You are also welcome to apply to doctoral courses at universities within the collaboration Lärosäten Syd. You will find links in the overview (se link below).
Here you will find an overview of all doctoral courses in doctoral education.
Career development support
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