Postgraduate courses

Your doctoral education contains several different elements. Here you will find information about courses at the undergraduate and advanced level, course fees, credits and how to apply for courses at the doctoral level.

General about doctoral courses

The doctoral programme includes a dissertation part and a course part. The course part consists of a number of course points. The course content is determined by the general study plan of the doctoral subject and is documented in the individual study plan. Elective courses or courses that are not regulated by the general study plan are determined in consultation with the supervisor and examiner. All courses included in the individual study plan must be documented in Ladok in order to be included in the doctoral degree.    

Course descriptions

For courses in doctoral education, with the exception of individual reading courses, there must be a course description. The course description informs about course objectives, content, prerequisites, teaching methods, forms of examination, course evaluation, literature and any other teaching materials.

Course examiner

Each doctoral course must have a course examiner. The course eaxaminator must have at least associate professorship. The course is graded by the person who has been appointed as a course graduate. The course examiner is responsible for ensuring that grades on the course are reported in Ladok. For more information, please contact the faculty's research secretary or administrator for the doctoral programme.

Instructions on management in Ladok for doctoral studies can be found via this link 

Course grade

Completed courses in doctoral education are assessed with the grades failed or approved. The grade is set by the teacher who has been appointed as a course graduate.

Course evaluations

Course evaluations give the doctoral student an important tool to be able to influence their and others' education. According to the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 1, Section 14), all students must be given the opportunity to express experiences and views on courses they have participated in or completed. The course evaluations can be carried out in writing or orally. The higher education institution is responsible for compiling the results of the course evaluations and that the results and possible measures are reported. This also applies to doctoral courses.